The Buckeye Thread

Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for a successful hatch from those two @CanadianBuckeye ! It's SO frustrating when you invest time and money into getting hatching eggs from good stock and the PO/courier messes them up in transit.

Sadly neither made it. They were not strong enough to hatch, just pip. I helped them out, even though I firmly believe in not doing that but these were special chicks and I figured nothing to lose.
One chick came out of the shell OK but could not walk properly or get up, the other had a lot of blood vessels and a yolk outside the stomach so I euthanized both. It wasn't an incubator problem, other chicks hatched just fine. *Sigh* Maybe I'll have better luck next time.
Oh my….
Sorry, but wow, when you don't want roosters you end up hatching 7/7 boys like my MIL did one year, but when you DO, they're all pullets. Was your rooster with the hens, or rather hens you'd like to hatch eggs from, shortly before he died? If so, and if want to hatch more chicks now, the eggs should still be fertile.

Sumi, Isn't that the truth???? Good point about setting some eggs quickly!
I don't know why, but I have had more eggs that I had shipped to me do the same thing. There is just something about shipping them that allows them to fully develop but the died before pipping or pipping internally or externally, then dying. It is very frustrating. I have had this from numerous breeders, various breeders, different parts of the country. I can't explain the why, I just know it happens at a high rate.
I am sorry to hear that.  It is the reason to keep more than one rooster always if you plan to breed them.
I wasn't so sure that I would even like Buckeyes. After the National Poultry show in Delaware my husband and I began looking for breeds that we would like to keep. Buckeye continued to come up on our list, but we never really in pursuit. While purchasing some of our other birds a place had some buckeye chicks. I told them that we would take two as long as they weren't bantam. My husband fell in love with the two right from the start. He loved the look of the chicks. By the time that they were a couple of days old I could tell that we had a pullet and a cockerel. I had never thought that by the time we pastured our chicks and culled some that I would grow to love this breed of chicken so much. Or that they would even last while free ranging. Now I will be on the lookout for a Sire for my 7 girls.

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