The Chick Taming Journals!!!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
The Chick Taming Journal

Day One


Our chick taming pen seems to be working farely well.
-It needs to be bigger
- We need to work with three birds at once instead of two or it takes to long to socialize them all(a three year old cannot control themselves for long periods....turns out a two week old chick can't either)
1-food is a great motivator
-turning a struggling chick into its back seems to instantly calm it(good to know incase if about injury that will be made worse by struggling)
The Chick Taming Journals Day Three

I cant get the pictures to work today for some reason.... I will try again later.

- I finally remembered to bring three chicks out at a time!
- The chicks are getting too addicted to perching. Several times a cuddling chick tried to perch on our heads.
- Flying is also becoming a privlem with the low fence we use.
- I finally found something to use to tell the twins apart. One has a band on the left leg the other has a band on the right.
The Chicken Taming Journal Day Three-
Going On A Field Trip


-Choose your friendliest birds
-Pack them a snack
-Make sure it is a short trip
-Make sure the people are chicken friendly
-We went to a Pet Value store and bought some mealworms
The Chick Taming Journal Day Two



-I forgot to bring three birds instead of two and didn't realize till they had been out for quite a while
-I added some more wire to the pen so there was more room and it worked great
-food distracts both chicks and children

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