The chicken coop has begun!

Apr 23, 2018
We started on the chicken coop this weekend and it is coming along great so far! My fiance and I have never built anything like this before, but my fiances grandpa has been pointing us in the right direction :) This is what we got done in one weekend! I'm pretty dang proud :yesss: We get to work more on it this coming weekend! It's a 6x12 and the front is 8ft tall and slopes to 6ft in the back. Also this is not it's permanent location. When the framing is done it will be moved and concrete will be poured as a base.

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Thought I’d pop in and post some progress pictures of our coop! A lot has happened! We hauled it home, poured a concrete foundation, bolted and sealed it down to the concrete, painted, added rafters, and started on the hardware cloth. We still have A LOT of work to do and we are exhausted, but also very proud! :highfive:
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We decided to let them run around and explore a little bit last night!

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