The CHICKEN MATH Contest- Who has the worst case?

wanted 4
got 12
dogs subtracted 11
got 6 more
got 7 more
got 7 more...again
broody hen = 7 more
3 broody hens = 14 more
subtracted excess roosters
got 2 more for Christmas
i think there are about 35 now
ordering 25 this spring

was this is gonna get bad a choice?
dreamcatcherarabians do you order every year? What do you do with all of your older birds, Some of you guys have a lot of birds.

Joe, it's been working out that I do order at least once a year. I free range so I lose some to a couple red tail hawks, every now and then a couple decide to swim in the stock tanks and it doesn't work out well for them, occasionally I have issues with coyotes or wandering dogs, so my attrition ends up being fairly steady, unfortunately. I have 1 Seabright hen left of my original flock, down to 4 Cochins and no Polish, so ...I'll be looking to order again. I kind of run 2 flocks, 1 for eggs and if they live long enough to quit laying, to eat and 1 that's just eye candy type birds and they will probably all live til they die and not get eaten.
I wanted to "have chickens" but didn't really think of a number. Minimum order was 25 but I picked out 26 [6 each of red star, black star, black australorp, ancona, and then 2 golden polish) with the mystery chick I'll have 27. I didn't realize that it was probably too many until I realized that most in-town folk only have 3-10. Oh well. They won't be here until february but I'm already thinking of how to talk hubby into a.couple turkeys....
I wanted to "have chickens" but didn't really think of a number. Minimum order was 25 but I picked out 26 [6 each of red star, black star, black australorp, ancona, and then 2 golden polish) with the mystery chick I'll have 27. I didn't realize that it was probably too many until I realized that most in-town folk only have 3-10. Oh well. They won't be here until february but I'm already thinking of how to talk hubby into a.couple turkeys....
I want a turkey too. Trying to figure out where to put it.......
Quote: We used to have turkeys.........2 hens and a tom. My dad's friend just stopped by one day and asked if we wanted them. We said sure, thinking he would just bring them over in a couple weeks once we were ready. Nope, he already had them loaded up in the back of his pickup. The hens we had for about a year, then something scared them to death. I'm serious, something got into the coop, scared them, and then they just huddled in the corner and had to be force fed for about a week, then they just died in their sleep. And Tom died because a rattler bit him in the foot. They were fun, but I swear they ate 20x more than even the fattest chickens................If we can afford it someday I'd like to get more, but we already go through 50 pounds of feed a week.
I must have it bad. I have 213 birds.

it startd with 5, then i was given 6. 2 died. I got 50 from a breeder who gave up. 5 died. i won 20 in a bet against a show bird. 12 were bought. I found 6. i rescued 27. So far that is 115. i got another 30 from a breeder who gave up. i in herited 20. 20 have been bought as breeders. The last 28 were all layers and rescues. So far. i have lost only 7.
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Im Deadly..
started out thinking that 12 hens and one roo would be great number. perfect, wouldnt have to get anymore until those stopped laying, right?
when those chicks were 7 weeks old i bought 8 game bantams and 21 others. so thats 42.
Fox Attack of 2010, took out all but 4 standards and 5 bantams.
One bantam was a girl, the rest were roosters, so we sold 3 guys at a swap and got a golden laced sebright.
that brings us down to 7
at another swap we got these nasty, bald, tiny, licy, mity, wormy chicks that the dude said were just beaten up because of the ride. We got all three for a dollar. long story short, one got wry neck and died, one was so small, had bad crossbeak and died, and one laid an egg. She was still in a tub in our garage becuase we thought she was young, this was only a few weeks after we got hr that she laid an egg. omg lol! (we wre still newbies, first year in this)
8 chickens now
got a 'hen' for $20 STINKIN" DOLLARS. HA! more like Rooster who almost killed my bantam rooster
He was dinner
still 8 chikcens.
lets skip to the end there
i now have 110 chickens
20 in the bator (for the NYD hatch)
and 4 empty coops i plan on filling this year.
Ok I dont have them yet but this is for my order. I planned on ordering between 3 and 6 chicks and ended up ordering 15

When my parent said that I could have some chickens I think they planned on me only having a few, like no mare than 6. Sorry guys but I am officially addicted!!!
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We wanted 10 hens

What we got
30 laying hens
25 meat birds

What it turned into
60 laying hens
2 roosters
An incubator
Incubating batch after batch of eggs
broody hens hatching eggs
50 butcher chickens
Selling eggs, laying hens, young chicks, older chicks, roosters

At one point this summer we had 200 chickens :eek:
This thread scares me. We are planning on buying 3 or 4 hens. Does that mean in a couple of years I'll have 70 birds by chicken math?

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