Yeah ... once they have fluffed up and there is no longer a risk of chill we opened the incubator and moved them to the brooder... last year when we ordered chicks from the Hatchery we lost quite a few due to the cool temps ... as it is still cold and drafty here in our barn we have opted to use a big round pail for the brooder in the house and have hung a heat lamp from a bracket on the wall we are able to control the temps better this way... i didnt want to risk losing any this year ... i also put them on electrolites right away this year! these chicks are much calmer and less stressed than the ones we ordered last year from the hatchery (although as our first year with them it stands to reason we made some mistakes along the way!) ... i think we will continue to hatch our own in future years! ... we have ducks in the bator now for a friend but i think we will do another round of chickens after the ducks hatch!