The chicks house is done, The buff orp pullets are moved in.


Jul 26, 2008
Bagdad KY
Last week I picked up a lot of free old lumber from one jobsite, so I came home and decided to add a little coop to our run, and I had ome other lumber I salveged from onother job last year.
here is the coop ad run before the addition.

I started with the floor, then the walls and luckely I found a friend who agreed on trading metal sheets with me for some repair I done on his power tools.
here is after.

here is the front of the coop, Interance , window and little chicen door.

Here the inside.

Total cost is $150.00 and about 20 hours.
hope you like it.
Thank you all for taking your time and looking at my new coop.
Now I need to go pick up some pullets I found for $3.00 and $4.00 a bird.
Thanks again.
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Great job! Looks like your time, money and labors are well spent.
Thank you.
My wife is looking for some Buff Orpington, and I would like to get some domeniques, and may be some golden comet.

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