The Duck Thread


Lmao! I couldn't resist! It doesn't matter what i put water in, she climbs into it! Had to do the roasting pan! Lol!

My drake pekin love water, he would never get out if it was up to him. He jumps in it in there pen bc its the only water dish big enough to fit in. Lily sleeps in her nest, JoJo sleeps in the big water dish!!! Crazy duck!
I doubt it, since we have other turkeys here that she would hang around with. I think a dog got into the yard and was chasing everyone. However, the idea that she did get away to the mountains and is living happy and wild is my fantasy
Can't stand to think of the alternative.
You didn't see any signs of how a dog could have gotten in the yard? Was everyone freaked out when you noticed them missing?
You didn't see any signs of how a dog could have gotten in the yard? Was everyone freaked out when you noticed them missing?

The front of our yard is open right now. DH fed everyone that morning, went to the gas station for a moment, came back to find the hen hit in the road. She had just eaten and our yard is deep with the birds at the back, so there was no reason for her to wander. I went out later and looked and found the new tail feathers my turkey had just grown on the ground looking like they'd been crushed. Found a couple of feathers from my mallard, too, only she was hiding under a trailer and wouldn't come out. The other two turkeys were freaked out. We had been letting them all out a lot to range, since they never go very far in our yard. Needless to say we will be installing a new fence as soon as we can get the money set aside.
Thanks everybody! & RedIII, im so sorry u lost ur turkey and ur hen! Maybe the turkey managed to fly into the trees and will come bk when it feels safe! I know thats what the wild turkey do here when the dogs get after em! Theyre hard to catch...I've tried to catch the babies myself and my son used to chase wild turkey around with a fishing net when he was little!
I have a pekin couple, Lily and JoJo. I want to add another female so no over mating happens. But I want a different breed than pekin. Also, I have 2 Muscovy females reserved for after I move. So any suggestions, no Pekins and no Muscovy.
anconas are black and white ducks, dual purpose breed, friendly and they will cross readly with pekins. they are like dalmation dogs, each ones patterns are unique. actually more beautiful in person than in pics. check them out.

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