The Duck Thread

@Julie Bird Io is a happy duck... moved them all in together permanently and they are doing great...


@Julie Bird Io is a happy duck... moved them all in together permanently and they are doing great...

Hoooopooooos!! A top view of baby burds. Bitty ducks to be exact and they are so CUTE. I love their little bodies from above. I see Io's lil bill. What grabs me other than the obvious adorableness of the little kids are the differences in all their fuzz plumage coloring. And I know underneath those sweet little things are their WEBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you @RavynFallen for the tag
Hoooopooooos!!  A top view of baby burds.  Bitty ducks to be exact and they are so CUTE.  I love their little bodies from above.  I see Io's lil bill.  What grabs me other than the obvious adorableness of the little kids are the differences in all their fuzz plumage coloring.  And I know underneath those sweet little things are their WEBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you @RavynFallen
 for the tag :hugs

Welcome, Julie... :)

Been trying to get webs pics, but every time they stretch them out and I pull out the camera they pull them back in and look up... lol...
Our duck's have a visitor for a bit. Our marshmallow either got prcjed by one of the hen's or the cockeral trying to mount her. Her neck is a little tore up. She's doing so much better out here with the duck's. in this photo Loraine & marshmallow are bonding.

When Lauren is like "what are you looking at"

Then i see Julie making her appearance.
Sooooo KEYOOOOT!!! This is why I love birds so much.
I've never actually heard of that before. I should probably look into that. I have to do it discreetly when I take the strays that I can catch to the shelter. Some people around here think because they set out cheap cat food in a tin bowl that the cats are "theirs". They would get mad if they knew. But they don't ever handle them or love them or take them to the vet or ID them. And they just breed out of control, and these so called "owners" just let them. They never bring them inside during the cold or get them vet care. If a cat has no ID and is not on its owner's property, it is a stray, plain and simple.

Here is the last cat I took in to the rescue. The sweetest thing, just came running up to me meowing while i was feeding the ducks. I brought him in my back porch and fed and watered him and he rubbed all over me. He was covered in fleas, and wounds from cat fighting. To me, if you let an animal run around like this, you are NOT its owner. WARNING: GRAPHIC PICTURES BELOW:

Sorry. I get a little heated about this subject.
My mom always put out feeders and I loved seeing all the types of birds. And became familiar with identifying many species. I miss it.
Oh no, poor little thing. Sad. I am glad you took him in and then to the rescue. I don't blame you for one bit getting heated over it. So many others do not care. He was lucky to happen upon to you.

I enjoy identifying bird species too. It is a challenge to remember the bird when you see it and then plug its description into the computer and find it that way. My bird book is somewhere around here….
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Yep, Io plays nice with them... except when s/he saw them in he/r spot, lol... s/he played bowling and plowed through them... they went to the other side...

Actually, Io is very gentle... nibbles gently, but gotta watch if anything is stuck to their fuzz... s/he'll grab it in he/r bill to rip it off a little too enthusiastically... just wants to help clean them off...
OK I had to laugh at her bowling thru them. After all, she is still a child bird. Her place is hers.

She just wants to help them keep their fuzz looking really nice. I get it.

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