The Duck Thread


I like the toilet pic
X2 that one is great but all of them are.
Whuh-oh, Wobs has competition! I'd better let him know he's gotta step it up! :p

Darwin, Wobs and Pebbles* the bar is rising for awesome call drake of the universe...

Plus @RavynFallen Has a whole bathtub full - I am sure some are drakes... Poor @Julie Bird I don't know if she will be able to handle all the cuteness sure to come this way.

*If I missed any obvious candidates, I don't have any call ducks and just lurk here so sorry no slight intended.
Darwin, Wobs and Pebbles* the bar is rising for awesome call drake of the universe...

Plus @RavynFallen Has a whole bathtub full - I am sure some are drakes... Poor @Julie Bird I don't know if she will be able to handle all the cuteness sure to come this way.

*If I missed any obvious candidates, I don't have any call ducks and just lurk here so sorry no slight intended.
It is so true Tony. It really is hard for me to see all these cute adorable sweet precious roly poly silly funny awesome duck types of birds. The webs as you can see them placed on the ground that hold the duck in stance mode really and truthfully and expertly allow the duck to take on an irresistible cuteness that sends me into an elliptical orbit that is horrid.

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