The Duck Thread

Where is @Julie Bird ?
Awe, thank you so much @Miss Lydia

I've been super busy. I went snowmobiling all day yesterday and then did an all day hike on Saturday with friends. I miss the days when I was off work and had the fun here on BYC so much more than I do now. Sad.
OK, Julie, this was a strange post even from you
Laughing loudly and hysterically over this, Tony.

They didn't eat last night or today. So I put a bowl of treats out their them parsley corn peas weeds spinach tomatoes zucchini . The girl ate a little . I locked them away from chickens tonight so they don't eat it. They will drink the plastic tub water but they will not drink from a chicken water dish container or a rabbit feeder I saw some people have. Any suggestions.
I have a Swedish, (Farkle) he doesn't fly, he can't. I don't know about blue Swedish but Farkle is a pekin Swedish cross. So maybe he's just to fat :3 I think he hangs out with Jalepeño (the duck who eats everything) to much

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