The Duck Thread

I was wondering what many of you do when you feed ducks of different ages. I have 1 silver Swedish (10 wks.), 2 Pekin (16 wks.), 4 Pekin ( 8 wks.). I have been told to just mix the grower feed and the starter feed 1/2 and 1/2 since they are all together. Is this what you would suggest too? We also have 10 Khaki Campbell (2 wks) that are in a separate area. I'm pretty sure I will just keep them separate (until they can eat the layer feed the rest will be on) or feed them separate when they join the group. Ideas? Tips? TYIA
I'm not sure, i'd also like to know the answer to this question. i've been incubating our runner's eggs, and will have ducks that are about 2weeks apart in age that i'd like to put all in together. There's a point in their development when you need to keep their protein levels down a bit so that they don't get angel wing. I'm planning to keep them separate at that point for sure.
We just lost our adult male runner to a racoon yesterday afternoon. :( I just have the one adult female, and she's upset and lonely having just lost her mate. I can hear her crying for him and it's heartbreaking. I have a dozen 3 week old runner ducklings (they're off heat during the day and outside during the day, but i've been giving them a lamp when i lock them up at night. I was thinking about introducing her to them, for the companionship. Is that a good idea, or should i try to find a new mate for her?
We just lost our adult male runner to a racoon yesterday afternoon. :( I just have the one adult female, and she's upset and lonely having just lost her mate. I can hear her crying for him and it's heartbreaking. I have a dozen 3 week old runner ducklings (they're off heat during the day and outside during the day, but i've been giving them a lamp when i lock them up at night. I was thinking about introducing her to them, for the companionship. Is that a good idea, or should i try to find a new mate for her?
It can be tricky introducing an adult to ducklings they can injure or kill them. I'd try and set up a way that they can live side by side for a while till the ducklings get larger, that way she'll have company but the ducklings will be safe. I like the plastic fencing from Lowes that looks like chicken wire or just use chicken wire for partition. Main thing is that they can see but not touch till ducklings are larger.

I am so sorry for your loss, just know that Raccoon will be back so keep the rest very safe.
HELP! DUCK IDENTIFICATION. This babe was part of an egg hatching experiment at my daughters classroom. They said the ducks came from a backyard breeder with all sorts of ducks.
Looks like a blue swedish because of the black feet but technically is coat is more black Swedish BUT he has a very distinct marking on his eyes of a Welsh harlequin.
Here are pictures.
It can be tricky introducing an adult to ducklings they can injure or kill them. I'd try and set up a way that they can live side by side for a while till the ducklings get larger, that way she'll have company but the ducklings will be safe. I like the plastic fencing from Lowes that looks like chicken wire or just use chicken wire for partition. Main thing is that they can see but not touch till ducklings are larger.

I am so sorry for your loss, just know that Raccoon will be back so keep the rest very safe.
Thank you i will give it a try. We have all the babies close to the house so that we can watch them when they're outside. We recently had a raven try to get at my son's 4H banties, so have been babysitting when they're outside. We moved the runner's house up close to the house too so we can watch her, and we spent a couple of hours going around, tightening up security against the racoons last evening too (we've got a little zoo here with piglets, rabbits, meaties, layers, pekins, runners of varying ages, banties, maline chicks, bees, etc). I had just picked up a roll of stucco wire, so we'll make some side-by-side covered runs for mama duck/ducklings/banties, etc. That had been the plan anyways, when the young ducks got a bit older. Just too bad we hadn't moved the adults up to the house last weekend. :(

One of my friends is going to loan us her trap for the raccoon, but she said they're better at catching cats, and that the raccoons around here run in packs anyways. My husband is good with the bow, not sure how people on here feel about hunting, but he was the one who found our male runner duck, he was pretty shaken up, and he seems determined to put an end to the problem.
Thank you i will give it a try. We have all the babies close to the house so that we can watch them when they're outside. We recently had a raven try to get at my son's 4H banties, so have been babysitting when they're outside. We moved the runner's house up close to the house too so we can watch her, and we spent a couple of hours going around, tightening up security against the racoons last evening too (we've got a little zoo here with piglets, rabbits, meaties, layers, pekins, runners of varying ages, banties, maline chicks, bees, etc). I had just picked up a roll of stucco wire, so we'll make some side-by-side covered runs for mama duck/ducklings/banties, etc. That had been the plan anyways, when the young ducks got a bit older. Just too bad we hadn't moved the adults up to the house last weekend. :(

One of my friends is going to loan us her trap for the raccoon, but she said they're better at catching cats, and that the raccoons around here run in packs anyways. My husband is good with the bow, not sure how people on here feel about hunting, but he was the one who found our male runner duck, he was pretty shaken up, and he seems determined to put an end to the problem.
Let us know how it goes. and believe me we are all for protecting our animals what ever means we have too.

Sad for your dh finding your drake.
sounds like a wonderful homestead you all have.
HELP! DUCK IDENTIFICATION. This babe was part of an egg hatching experiment at my daughters classroom. They said the ducks came from a backyard breeder with all sorts of ducks.
Looks like a blue swedish because of the black feet but technically is coat is more black Swedish BUT he has a very distinct marking on his eyes of a Welsh harlequin.
Here are pictures.
What a cutie looks to have Swedish in it could be a mix but just about all domestic breeds can have a crest. looks pretty small so hopefully no complications at all. Love those black legs and feet.with dots of yellow so cute. Are you it's new family? if so Congratulations
I'm sure this question has been answered 100 times over in this thread but I'm short on time right now & I don't want to forget to long does it take for a duck to hatch her eggs? Already had one batch go bad & now another duck is setting! Hopefully this one will give me some baby duckies! Is it normal for the females to swap up setting on one nest? I had 2 females setting on the last batch at the same time & now I think they r taking turns setting on this nest!
I'm sure this question has been answered 100 times over in this thread but I'm short on time right now & I don't want to forget to long does it take for a duck to hatch her eggs? Already had one batch go bad & now another duck is setting! Hopefully this one will give me some baby duckies! Is it normal for the females to swap up setting on one nest? I had 2 females setting on the last batch at the same time & now I think they r taking turns setting on this nest!

28 days and yes sometimes if you have two broodies they'll take turns sitting or sit together

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