The Duck Thread

That is one of the loveliest portraits I have ever seen. You all seem to have almost the same expression. So creative
My husband and I have about five ducks of various unverified breeds. We currently live in western Washington, and will possibly be moving to eastern Washington. I see some of you are from Arizona and other states with dryer climates, I was wondering how your ducks/chickens are faring with the change to the hotter climates? Has anyone gone thru a move like this? Any pointers would be appreciated!(we also have some chickens going with us pointers on that would be great also)
Dodge941, where might you move to? I'm in Kennewick, but was born here so I have no experience transferring the birds to different climates. I did lose a Cochin when we hit 104 last year but otherwise the birds have done fine. You really need to have several options for shade and put out water containers in multiple areas if you free range. I also left a hose on mist during the hot part of the day and the ducks and geese loved it. This year I've got to get a shade up above their kiddy pools.
Well, not worry, but ducklings do grow quickly and have different water needs than chicks.  Have you read the Sticky on Raising Ducklings?
I have they seem to be fine they always habe a water dish in there full nd food and heat lamp so lets see how it goes aha
I have read of chicks getting annoyed with the way ducklings splash - most folks I have read about here keep them separate especially after the first few days.

Keep a close watch on everyone!
Speaking of that, I had Marcy in the bath today and Finn was sitting on the edge. She started splashing and he got soaking wet! Poor baby.

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