The Duck Thread

I need help. It's been awhile sentmy last post. I got my first eggs today 4 in total. One extra small the other 3 about the size of a chicken eggs. Ok my questions are. What do I do? Keep them in the coop, through them out, ahh I'm excited about this. I know they probably not good. Not sure yet who is the mom. No one is claiming them. I picked up all my girls and turned them over and only one felt like her pelvis might have open a bit. I seen this technique on YouTube. All seem the same but one. Right now I have them all locked up in the coop. Leave them in or let them out? This is new for me and my ducks..
All 4 eggs are good and hard..
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They are runners.
They are runners.
Why wouldn't you eat them or give them to someone who will. My ducks lay before I let them out at day break so keeping them inside all day is kind of sad. If they have a nice place to lay inside their coop they will continue to lay there most likely. I have 1 Runner laying so far and today I opened the egg and it was a double yolker . Tastes good too.

Congrats on your eggs.
Why wouldn't you eat them or give them to someone who will. My ducks lay before I let them out at day break so keeping them inside all day is kind of sad. If they have a nice place to lay inside their coop they will continue to lay there most likely.  I have 1 Runner laying so far and today I opened the egg and it was a double yolker . Tastes good too. :)

Congrats on your eggs.
Thanks... all my ducks run around from sunrise to sunset. I have never tried ducks eggs. If I like them I will be happy to eat them. If not my dogs will love them I'm sure. I was just keeping the girls in the coop to see if anyone would lay claim to the eggs. No one did. So I have them in the fridge. The eggs not the ducks.

They have a fence in yard 50x50. Then a 10x10 coop. More then enough room to enjoy the day and be happy. I have started letting them out in the yard in the evening but they never stay out very long. So far about 17 minutes then they go back in to there fenced in area. Not sure why they don't stay out longer. Guess they don't fill safe outside the wire.
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