The Duck Thread

The coop construction looks great. I don't know what additional securities you have around the property, but I want to make sure that you as well as anyone looking to this as an example in the future are aware: Chicken wire is great for keeping birds in, but not for keeping predators out. Many predators will rip right through chicken wire with their claws or teeth. 1/2" hardware cloth is recommended for smaller predators (fox/raccoon/coyote). I have seen it recommended that the hardware cloth either be sunk 1 foot into the ground, or laid around the pen as a 2 foot skirt in areas with digging predators. Also raccoons can figure out a simple bolt latch fairly quickly so if that is the only line of defense, it may not be adequate. For more information and maybe specifics for your area, I would browse through

I lost 2 ducks to predators early in our stewardship ( It was devastating. Since then, we have been much tighter on security and have had no further incidences.
We plan on another layer around bottom sides and a into the ground. Had to hurry up and finish up because we were able to find a few more birds and the old duck house that was here was a mess lol. For now we have traps set up and three dogs loose in yard all day as well as two walks a day with them in the woods around property. Only lost one duck to an animal so far and it definitely sucked. She wouldn't come in coop and was roosted on a board that was touching the hill behind it. From the tracks a raccoon just walked up the board while she was sleeping and jumped her. Thanks!
We plan on another layer around bottom sides and a into the ground. Had to hurry up and finish up because we were able to find a few more birds and the old duck house that was here was a mess lol. For now we have traps set up and three dogs loose in yard all day as well as two walks a day with them in the woods around property. Only lost one duck to an animal so far and it definitely sucked. She wouldn't come in coop and was roosted on a board that was touching the hill behind it. From the tracks a raccoon just walked up the board while she was sleeping and jumped her. Thanks!
Thanks for taking it right. Raccoons are the worst. They are very clever, patient and have agile hands.

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