The Duck Thread

here are pictures of my ducks for this year. I had two mallards last year and they were over eating and getting fat so that's why I figured it was that again. Thanks again everyone for the help on ducks.
Very CUTE!!
Okay they all died. Ideal is the only place I can find East Indie ducklings otherwise I'd just get them somewhere else. I'm going to see if I can pay them to overnight them, add a heat pack or add grow gel or whatever its called. I honestly don't think its something I did and I always second guess everything I do so thats saying alot. Ugh. Out of 15 birds 3 made it. Two barred rock and 1 Australorp. Going to try heatpads but will have another light brooder on and ready just in case.
Still no 'lings yet!!! We are down 2 bad eggs tho. She kicked one outta the house yesterday and it broke
And I was able to root around under her and find a bad dark egg that STUNK!!!! Hopefully today we will get some babes!
Okay they all died. Ideal is the only place I can find East Indie ducklings otherwise I'd just get them somewhere else. I'm going to see if I can pay them to overnight them, add a heat pack or add grow gel or whatever its called. I honestly don't think its something I did and I always second guess everything I do so thats saying alot. Ugh. Out of 15 birds 3 made it. Two barred rock and 1 Australorp. Going to try heatpads but will have another light brooder on and ready just in case.
Oh my gosh that is so sad. How long were they in transit? and did they not have a heat pac and gro gel? those 2 items are very important. I am so sorry.
Oh my gosh that is so sad. How long were they in transit? and did they not have a heat pac and gro gel? those 2 items are very important. I am so sorry.

No they normally add baby boy chicks to order for warmth but I ordered 10 pullets instead. I should have asked about gro gel. And heating pad. They left 2 on Tue and got here Thursday at 1. Im waiting to hear back from them.
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Okay so they emailed me back this morning. They'll add a heat pack and make sure they get grow gel. Can't overnight it. I might get extras and hope that helps with watmth too. I'll try one last time then I'm done.
My ducklings are going on six and seven weeks and going by voices and bill coloring, my ENTIRE batch of six week olds are girls. :th Four of them, one Pekin, three blue Swedes. Giving me a grand total of six girls and four drakes. Which means if no one dies I'll have twelve female ducks in my flock. That's not counting the nine I just hatched or the ones going into lockdown tomorrow.

Oh and pics of the Swedes.
No bib.

Ok bib though its blotchy and there's too much on the back of her neck, under her chin and on her face.

Under bibbed and it goes to the back of her neck and her head, looks like her mama.
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