The Duck Thread

duckies1230, one possibility is that he may have sustained a bit of brain damage while stuck.  And yes, I think ptsd or something like that is a possibility, too.

Loads of research is being done for humans that indicates that our typical modern diet does not provide enough of all the goodies our bodies need to heal themselves.  And this applies to brain injury and nervous system problems as well.

These are just some ideas - I am not a vet, have not examined Jojo.  But fresh greens and colorful foods and sufficient proteins and fats are said to really help the brain.  I would not go wild and overload little Jojo, but I would try to start getting more fresh greens (not spinach, due to its ability in some quantities to inhibit calcium uptake), a few berries, maybe a teaspoon of crushed cat kibble or mealworms or similar protein source, and a half a teaspoon of coconut oil every day or two, see if over the course of a few weeks it might help.

These things seem pretty similar to what a duck in the wild in an abundant environment might eat.

I also feel that the attention you give him is very important, too.
Thanks, my ducks are spoiled. They eat Purina flock raiser, they have their chick grit. But their breakfast is cottage cheese or plain yogurt with dried mealworms mixed in. They get fresh veggies almost daily and they get mealworms 4 to 6 times a day. They love them. Can ducks eat raspberries? Any other suggestions would be great!!!
Thanks, my ducks are spoiled. They eat Purina flock raiser, they have their chick grit. But their breakfast is cottage cheese or plain yogurt with dried mealworms mixed in. They get fresh veggies almost daily and they get mealworms 4 to 6 times a day. They love them. Can ducks eat raspberries? Any other suggestions would be great!!!
I've fed mine all kinds of berries and they seem to like strawberries and tomotoes better than black berries or raspberries. Oh and they like grapes and blue berries.
A crested duck is one that has a big puff on their heads. They are super cute but the puff is a hole in the skull that is covered by fatty tissue causing the feathers to grow oddly. It looks like a big cotton ball on the back of their heads. Crested ducks are prone to nuerological issues since it is gene mutation.
looks like a young, handsome, welsh harlequin.
Hmm. Thanks, so no he is not crested! Normal as can be!!!
A crested duck is one that has a big puff on their heads. They are super cute but the puff is a hole in the skull that is covered by fatty tissue causing the feathers to grow oddly. It looks like a big cotton ball on the back of their heads. Crested ducks are prone to nuerological issues since it is gene mutation.
looks like a young, handsome, welsh harlequin.
Thank you. The locally available mallard derivatives have all been mixing up, so it's a bit difficult getting "pure" breeds.
Sounds like duckies1230 is doing the best that can be done from anything of which I am aware.
OK, I got brewers yeast. The only kind I could find. There's 250 tablets. It says the serving size is two tablets three times a day. Obviously that's for adult humans. So for ducks I crush it up and sprinkle it on the food. But how much, how often?
OK, I got brewers yeast. The only kind I could find. There's 250 tablets. It says the serving size is two tablets three times a day. Obviously that's for adult humans. So for ducks I crush it up and sprinkle it on the food. But how much, how often?
Crush enough tablets to make 1 tablespoon then add to either his drinking water or over his feed. 1 Tab into 1 gallon of water and this should be his only drinking water. or 1 tab over 1 cup of feed. he needs this daily till at least 10 weeks old.
How about a sign for our front gate that says something like..."WARNING. This property is currently infected by broody and caution should be exercised before entering!"
That would be great except for the bird flu thing that is going around right now.
so they show up cause of the warning and die laughing at city folk called them thinking it was something other than what it is, best have a video camera for that , they'd be laughing so hard it wasn't funny while trying to explain to them city folk it's nothing but normal farm , you would probably win AFV lol

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