The Duck Thread

:frow   Subscribing here.  After having chickens and quail a certain "enabler" friend (@CityFarm
) has gotten me into ducks and I now have five muscovies. They are growing youngsters and are fun to watch and interact with. I had some scovies back in the dark ages when I was in high school so it's been a very long time since I had ducks!

:frow   Subscribing here.  After having chickens and quail a certain "enabler" friend (@CityFarm
) has gotten me into ducks and I now have five muscovies. They are growing youngsters and are fun to watch and interact with. I had some scovies back in the dark ages when I was in high school so it's been a very long time since I had ducks!

LOL. Welcome to the party!  :frow


I'm new to this part of the site. I'm always reading this post.
but I would just like to show off my new Muscoveys Ducklings they are so adorable :)






Things are well, I've just been insanely busy with my business (working on building two websites, tech support, AND all of the associated networking stuff that goes on when building a new business).

Ducks, dogs and cats are all doing great, we even got the old dog on new meds so he feels like a puppy again. Poke has a case of bumblefoot that I'm treating, and everyone else seems to be fine. No eggs from the youngsters yet, but Peek and Poke are still cranking them out like champs.

:frow   Subscribing here.  After having chickens and quail a certain "enabler" friend (@CityFarm
) has gotten me into ducks and I now have five muscovies. They are growing youngsters and are fun to watch and interact with. I had some scovies back in the dark ages when I was in high school so it's been a very long time since I had ducks!

If ya' all only knew of all the adventures we go on.. You'll have to pop on over for a cup of tea or a roasted marshmallow by the Bon fire to hear the stories.. :highfive:
Hello. I don't know that I am posting in the proper spot. My second Peking duck died in the coop and I don't know why. She hadn't laid in a while. I lost another one the same way last year. Any ideas? This one stopped laying along with my chickens when I brought a new baby duck home. Thank you!!


Maybe a spider or a poision ?? Even plant's can be poisonous to them.. :idunno could you feel a egg? So many things, one just never knows..
You could do a necropsy on her??
Hello everyone.

I really enjoy all the photos of everyone's ducks. Ducks seem to be a great source of therapy. It is a great joy to see them running about the duck yards and rushing to the gate hoping for watermelon.

Is anyone else getting a lot of double yolked eggs this year? I have been getting quite a few. Anytime I make something I break an egg with two yolks. It did make for some interesting deviled eggs that I took to a wedding reception.

I'm not sure if they are coming from the older Pekin. Those are the largest eggs so it is a good guess.

Another egg questions. Several of my gals are just turning 5 months ago and laying is something new to them. Yesterday I got 4 eggs that were in the duck house when I let them out in the morning. Later in the afternoon I found two in the middle of the duck yard. Both had no shell. One of my runners was pecking at the larger one. One was larger with two yolks and one was really small but did have some white and a full yolks. Any ideas?

Thanks, Yvette
I have two Females Cayuga ducks, about 17 weeks old, and they were introduced to our flock of ducks at about 8-9 weeks old. Our flock consists of 1 male jumbo pekin, 1 female pekin, 1 male Swedish/runner, and 1 female Swedish runner. At first, the adult ducks were just scared of the ducklings, but now the ducklings like to shoe the others away from the food and water. we have them in a cage at night that's 6x10 with a 6x2 nesting house. The two Pekins just avoid the cayugas and just go into the house. However, the Swedish/runners are more persistent. They keep trying to get food, but after a while the cayugas push them away. I've seen the male go face to face with one of the cayugas before. I just don't know why they don't get along.
I have two Females Cayuga ducks, about 17 weeks old, and they were introduced to our flock of ducks at about 8-9 weeks old. Our flock consists of 1 male jumbo pekin, 1 female pekin, 1 male Swedish/runner, and 1 female Swedish runner. At first, the adult ducks were just scared of the ducklings, but now the ducklings like to shoe the others away from the food and water. we have them in a cage at night that's 6x10 with a 6x2 nesting house. The two Pekins just avoid the cayugas and just go into the house. However, the Swedish/runners are more persistent. They keep trying to get food, but after a while the cayugas push them away. I've seen the male go face to face with one of the cayugas before. I just don't know why they don't get along.
How many and how large and what type are the food containers? I would try to figure out a way to have at least two containers - then the Cayugas cannot cover both food bowls.

And ducks are individuals, often with strong personalities, likes and dislikes.
This is from a different thread.. you have already seen this but jst in case you have not..

"I know there are a few of you here that are in NC. Please consider this petition against the forced requirement of every backyard poultry keeper to obtain a NC farm ID number with the "claim" that it will prevent the spread of AI."
Thanks for sharing that link, I live in NC and hadn't heard about this but I sure signed the petition.

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