The Duck Thread

I know my neighbour made a quip about having one for christmas dinner!! Eh go away!

Ugh, I get a variation of that joke, like, once a day. It's not funny, it's not original, and it's would your neighbor feel if you walked up to him and said "Nice dog! Bet he'd feed a whole family over at the local Chinese restaurant!"
Ugh, I get a variation of that joke, like, once a day. It's not funny, it's not original, and it's would your neighbor feel if you walked up to him and said "Nice dog! Bet he'd feed a whole family over at the local Chinese restaurant!"
oh thats as good as the time my mothers new bf came over unannounced for supper. I handed him a bowl of dog food( because he made remarks about my animals)... He asked, whats this. I replied looking at my mom," if its good enough for my b****, its good enough for yours." Thank god they sepperated shortly after.
I think I had that discussion somewhere before. I had a banquet-size Newfoundland.

You gotta have a sense of humor (and a whole lot of patience). Some people just don't understand or know any better. Up to us to educate them.
oh thats as good as the time my mothers new bf came over unannounced for supper. I handed him a bowl of dog food( because he made remarks about my animals)... He asked, whats this. I replied looking at my mom," if its good enough for my b****, its good enough for yours." Thank god they sepperated shortly after.

LOL I love it! So sassy! I'm curious now, what did he say about your pets? Did he call them the B-word or something or was he even meaner about it?
LOL I love it! So sassy! I'm curious now, what did he say about your pets? Did he call them the B-word or something or was he even meaner about it?
he called my chiuahua an ignorant b word. She is not the type to bark, like never. She has a sweet disposition for her breed of dog. And she barked at him and growled. I took it personal. To this day she is a sweet heart. Her favorite activity is following me to feed my birds. I let her in the duck pen and they chill as i do chores. I raised them inside with her by my side.
...How on earth can a dog be ignorant? LOL! That's sweet how you raised her around the ducks, though. I wish my cats could have been raised around birds, as well, maybe then there wouldn't be so much trouble in my house, hehe!
...How on earth can a dog be ignorant? LOL! That's sweet how you raised her around the ducks, though. I wish my cats could have been raised around birds, as well, maybe then there wouldn't be so much trouble in my house, hehe!
the ducks are like her little buddies...
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, new to this! Here goes:
My husband and I have a discussion going on. I have 2 Pekin Ducks (both females I believe) which were raised separately from the chickens, and we've let them free roam on our 9 acres, almost all open with a 2-3 acre lake. It has taken several months to get them into the water, but now they'll swim around the edges! Here's the issue: we also have 2 Arcona Ducks (1 male, 1 female) which were raised WITH the chickens, and stay in the chicken yard with them. My hubby wants me to separate them from the chickens and put them with the other ducks lakeside. We are planning on fencing in an area on the shallow end for the winter to keep the ducks contained/provide warmth/feed easier. I say the Arconas are "chicken ducks" now and would be too upset if separated. Other opinions? Thanks!
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, new to this! Here goes:
My husband and I have a discussion going on. I have 2 Pekin Ducks (both females I believe) which were raised separately from the chickens, and we've let them free roam on our 9 acres, almost all open with a 2-3 acre lake. It has taken several months to get them into the water, but now they'll swim around the edges! Here's the issue: we also have 2 Arcona Ducks (1 male, 1 female) which were raised WITH the chickens, and stay in the chicken yard with them. My hubby wants me to separate them from the chickens and put them with the other ducks lakeside. We are planning on fencing in an area on the shallow end for the winter to keep the ducks contained/provide warmth/feed easier. I say the Arconas are "chicken ducks" now and would be too upset if separated. Other opinions? Thanks!
you should let the lakeside. They dont call them watrr fowl for no reason. My ducks seem happier when taken away from the chicken yard and put with adult ducks.

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