The Duck Thread

My Runners do the same thing - muck up their 'clean water. Now I have a trough with a wire guard over it (like a little hoop house) - wires far enough apart for them to stick their heads in and drink but keeps them from using the trough as a toilet. I still have a separate bathing basin that gets changed daily. All this and yet they still prefer to drink from the muddy pools created when I dump their basin out. As long as they have access to clean drinking water and fresh bathing water, they should be OK. Maybe they have Pica.
My Runners do the same thing - muck up their 'clean water. Now I have a trough with a wire guard over it (like a little hoop house) - wires far enough apart for them to stick their heads in and drink but keeps them from using the trough as a toilet. I still have a separate bathing basin that gets changed daily. All this and yet they still prefer to drink from the muddy pools created when I dump their basin out. As long as they have access to clean drinking water and fresh bathing water, they should be OK. Maybe they have Pica.
Sorry but what is Pica?
Pica is a condition that causes people (and, probably, animals) to want to eat soil or clay or similar mineral material. It is caused by nutritional deficiency, I think.

With ducks, they just love to play in mud. I think it's because mud is often where they find mollusks and worms and other food.
Pica is a condition that causes people (and, probably, animals) to want to eat soil or clay or similar mineral material. It is caused by nutritional deficiency, I think.

With ducks, they just love to play in mud. I think it's because mud is often where they find mollusks and worms and other food.
Oh thanks...I hope that I (and you guys and girls) dont get it!!
Do ducks filter? my always push their bills through the mud sucking up stuff and juts thought perhaps they have a filter to get all the little bugs out.
They act like they do, maybe thats why they are called dabblers. they love to dabble.
i have 3 ducks (had five but two recently ran away) i cant post pics well but i will try later. i have 2 welsh harleqyin hens, and a rouen hen. i had 2 welsh drakes, but tey decided to run away whie free ranging
so i wont be hatching babies till next year.... unless i buy eggs. i did order some WH from metzer though, so i wont be boyless for long
i have 3 ducks (had five but two recently ran away) i cant post pics well but i will try later. i have 2 welsh harleqyin hens, and a rouen hen. i had 2 welsh drakes, but tey decided to run away whie free ranging
so i wont be hatching babies till next year.... unless i buy eggs. i did order some WH from metzer though, so i wont be boyless for long
Cool!Im happy you are an animal lover...

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