The Duck Thread

Keep the chickens away and post on the Thread Formerly Known as Hatch Day Is Today, that is where hatchers check in.

we have 8 chickens and 5 ducks. The Chickens are 17 weeks and past 2 days I have got 2 eggs from them. Today went out to the coop and found another egg but its a bit bigger. is this a Duck egg? I have 3 hens, 2 KC's and one Mallard they are 20 weeks. here are the pictures comparing them.

One of the 2 ducks that survived is the one that limps and now there's something wrong with her neck and she can't really stand. Does anyone know what is possibly wrong and what can I do to fix it? Please help!
I would say, needs a vet. What attacked them, do you know? Have you checked the survivors over thoroughly? Get them some vitamins and electrolytes in their water, for sure. Move them to a safe place.
I moved my limper into a small secure coop and it looks like he has a tiny scratch on his wing but the other one won't let me pick her up. I will try and get some vitamins and electrolytes and to get him to the vet. He was sitting up earlier but whenever he stands he falls backwards.

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