The Duck Thread

You probably should make sure any antibiotic cream you use does NOT say "pain relief". Hopefully someone with better duck experience pipes in, but I have read some of the steroids that are put in some ointments can be dangerous to chickens so I wouldn't risk it. In the ingredients they will end in ...sone, as in hydrocortisone.
First, keep her where she is safe. The raccoon will return.

What I would do:

A warm bath at least once a day
Follow the bath with a rinse of saline solution or Veterycin
Follow that with application of antibiotic cream, not ointment, as cream lets air get to the wound
If you only have ointment, I would use that till I can get some cream
(the kinds without painkiller, as already mentioned)
Look her over and over - often after such an encounter, there are other wounds we miss
Get her on an oral antibiotic because I think that puncture wounds introduce germs into the bloodstream.
Clip feathers away from the wound site
Keep her away from flies - fly strike is miserable and can be fatal, from what the vet told me
Poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics in her water two or three times a week for a couple of weeks

Prayers for you both
So tonight my husband and I are watching a movie and I hear my female who we named Abby squawking which she never does especially at night I tell my husband get the gun a pellet gun he asks why I say something's wrong I hear Abby a ****** raccoon excuse my language I see the ******* on our half wall tries to bite her head off got her beak a little not bad just scratched but got her neck good a puncture at least we cleaned it and put neosporin on it but what else can I do!?! I've had her since she was a baby she's my only female she's breathing fine walking fine just shook up a lot
pellet gun? trying to scare it I assume,? we use a 22---I have patched up birds from mink bites, hawk talons holds and a fox ripping the skin off the back of one of them. (her skin grew back and feathers grew back this year)--she doesn't lay eggs anymore tho--
You probably should make sure any antibiotic cream you use does NOT say "pain relief". Hopefully someone with better duck experience pipes in, but I have read some of the steroids that are put in some ointments can be dangerous to chickens so I wouldn't risk it. In the ingredients they will end in ...sone, as in hydrocortisone.
I have always had good luck with triple antibiotic ointment on wounds for ducks and chickens. clean 1st with soap and water, dry wound and plaster with ointment---chicken goes back into coop until they want to come out and ducks go in the little cage for a day or 2 so they don't hit the pond. (my husband is such a good shot that he shot a mink right off my pekins neck last year, she came over to the garage for help trying to get it off) see the bugger below

First, keep her where she is safe. The raccoon will return.

What I would do:

A warm bath at least once a day
Follow the bath with a rinse of saline solution or Veterycin
Follow that with application of antibiotic cream, not ointment, as cream lets air get to the wound
If you only have ointment, I would use that till I can get some cream
(the kinds without painkiller, as already mentioned)
Look her over and over - often after such an encounter, there are other wounds we miss
Get her on an oral antibiotic because I think that puncture wounds introduce germs into the bloodstream.
Clip feathers away from the wound site
Keep her away from flies - fly strike is miserable and can be fatal, from what the vet told me
Poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics in her water two or three times a week for a couple of weeks

Prayers for you both
hey amiga, sounds like you got that down to a science---I take care of my crew but.....I will doctor them up once and if they respond to that they are good and I let nature take its course. chickens just end up taking a dust bath and getting dirty but I figure if they are taking a dust bath they are feeling good. if my ducks have bright eyes and are ticked off at me I let them out after 24 hours usually. I use the triple antibiotic ointment on them after cleaning and slather it on. I try not to give too many things that are not natural to them. (not that I wouldn't to save a favorite!!)
I love this website and all the members because there is so much information and so many different things in different ways that everyone does that works !!
Well I don't want her to get attacked by flies so how do I prevent that? She is protecting the wound herself she has her neck down like when she sleeps but she's walking around I don't know if she is eating or drinking yet but I'm going to watch her today ill try to take a picture if she lets me I'm trying not to handle her to much cause she tries to run and I don't want her to hurt herself more.
we looked her over last night she has a small cut on her foot but there was nothing else
And yes a pellet gun but its a powerful one and will do some damage.

I just want to say thank you for everyone's responses. I appreciate it a lot!
Hi I had a wound on my chicken and I was 2 late. In 1day flys got 2 her and it was bad! I have read everything on this !!!!!! 2 prevent it ever again!

1. Dont freak out you sound like u r doing fine.
2. peroxide three times a day. U can never have enuff.
3. diatomaceous earth! Love the stuff. flys and animals go together unfortunately especially if thay live out side. diatomaceous earth kills all bugs! I put it in and arownd the coop. Animals and even people can eat it so its completely safy 4 kids and u no chemicals. I got mine at Tractor Supply co in the chicken I'll. make sure its not for pools!! google it 4 more info on de.
4. I read about screw spray. I didn't use it because I couldn't find it locally. you can order it online though. It is 4 killing any living critter in the wound.
5. To prevent ever u from ever having to use these I would keep the duck in doors so no flys or other bugs can get to the wound. Alsow your other ducks may poke it causing it to bleed.
I hope your baby is ok and u will never need any of this.
Hi I had a wound on my chicken and I was 2 late. In 1day flys got 2 her and it was bad! I have read everything on this !!!!!! 2 prevent it ever again!

1. Dont freak out you sound like u r doing fine.
2. peroxide three times a day. U can never have enuff.
3. diatomaceous earth! Love the stuff. flys and animals go together unfortunately especially if thay live out side. diatomaceous earth kills all bugs! I put it in and arownd the coop. Animals and even people can eat it so its completely safy 4 kids and u on chemicals. I got mine at Tractor Supply co in the chicken I'll. make sure its not for pools!! google it 4 more info on de.
4. I read about screw spray. I didn't use it because I couldn't find it locally. you can order it online though. It is 4 killing any living critter in the wound.
5. To prevent ever u from ever having to use these I would keep the duck in doors so no flys or other bugs can get to the wound. Alsow your other ducks may poke it causing it to bleed.
I hope your baby is ok and u will never need any of this.

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