The Duck Thread

Behavior question: one of my runners does this 'wounded bird' act when I walk through the yard. When I pass her or walk away she stops. I recently got 2 new runners;11 weeks and 6 weeks. Is she trying to protect them? Has anyone seen this behavior with new ducklings or otherwise?
Behavior question: one of my runners does this 'wounded bird' act when I walk through the yard. When I pass her or walk away she stops. I recently got 2 new runners;11 weeks and 6 weeks. Is she trying to protect them? Has anyone seen this behavior with new ducklings or otherwise?

I have seen killdeer birds do that here in ny, its pretty funny, they draw your attention away from their babies, --also, I have a white mallard who will quack and flap wings and run around like a crazy animal to draw your attention away from her babies (even tho we raised her from a baby). whats everyone else think?
I did check her and she seems fine. That she acts normal when I'm not nearby (I can watch them from a hidden stairway) assures me she's OK. I wonder if she is trying to manipulate me, maybe get extra peas at treat time. But I am almost sure they aren't that bright . . . almost sure . . .
I did check her and she seems fine. That she acts normal when I'm not nearby (I can watch them from a hidden stairway) assures me she's OK. I wonder if she is trying to manipulate me, maybe get extra peas at treat time. But I am almost sure they aren't that bright . . . almost sure . . .
I think she is pulling your leg, I have one that will pull on my pant leg to get treats. She is hoping you'll feel sorry for her and give her extra treats and attention.
If I have 3 rouen drakes and 1 mallard drake how many ducks or females would I want to get if I don't want bullying. I would like to start breeding and am unsure about how many females to get. Thanks

Thats one of my Rouens
If I have 3 rouen drakes and 1 mallard drake how many ducks or females would I want to get if I don't want bullying. I would like to start breeding and am unsure about how many females to get. Thanks

Thats one of my Rouens

3 to 5 females per

however you will still get the bullying due to pecking order. I have a male rouen, male runner, male pekin and a 2 month old male whose parents I cant figure out yet till he gets his adult feathering at closer to 4 and 5 months. the youngster will be at the end of the line and prob get picked on more. Norman(pekin) is the boss most of the time and likes to pick at Jack(rouen). they get in tiffs now and then. mr runner stays out of everyones way and is quite the stud when no one is looking(lol).

if you are going to bred specifically you will need to keep everyone separate so you don't have cross breeding. altho, you get some great looking ducks that way.

we have determined that this leopard posing as a duck has a khaki mother and norman(pekin) as the father. she is very pretty.

see what everyone else says about your question. I have only had ducks for 7 years.

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