The Duck Thread

I did make this a thread already, but I'll ask it here, too.

Can anyone give me some advice on one of my hen's behavior? We originally thought she was a drake, but her colors are definitely a hen's colors. But she acts like a drake. She will not let our drake, Erebus, breed at all. Any time he and another hen start head-bobbing and start getting ready to begin breeding, Thoth(the aggressive hen) will immediately separate them and chase Erebus off. She then acts extremely possessively over the other hens.

Someone suggested that I separate them for 24 hours, but currently, I don't have a way to do that. Instead, I'm going to keep her inside over night, and then re-introduce her and see if her behavior changes. Inside, she's sort of forced to be in a cage, and I don't want her to be in a cage for an extended period of time(I have no plans to show her, as her body is a bit too round and stout for a Welsh Harlequin, so there really isn't any need for her to be in a cage or get used to being in a cage).
Okay thanks and your khaki pekin cross duck is really pretty! All of my ducks look the same and have some pretty basic coloring.
Too bad....

too bad your not closer, I would give her to you for one of your rouens, she would match them in size and is only 6 months old.--im trying to whittle my crew down by 3 ducks.(we don't eat them, its just apart of the bigger prepper plan at this time)
too bad your not closer, I would give her to you for one of your rouens,  she would match them in size and is only 6 months old.--im trying to whittle my crew down by 3 ducks.(we don't eat them, its just apart of the bigger prepper plan at this time)
Oh too bad..... again! :) She really is pretty though!
I have a 2 week old duckling, only one he is very attached to me as if I was his mother. I have six chickens, is it going to be an issue to have the little duck with the chickens , I feel like they have no interest in him. Will one of them take over mothering him when he goes in the coop? Or is he going to be the black sheep? :/
Could you get him a couple of duckie friends? Sometimes ducks do okay among chickens, but sometimes not. If he is a he, when he reaches sexual maturity, he will be a risk for them because of the equipment mismatch. Hens can be killed in those situations sometimes, I have read.
I have a 2 week old duckling, only one he is very attached to me as if I was his mother. I have six chickens, is it going to be an issue to have the little duck with the chickens , I feel like they have no interest in him. Will one of them take over mothering him when he goes in the coop? Or is he going to be the black sheep?
If he hasn't ever been around them and vise versa, you'll need to intro duce slowly, maybe putting the ducklings inside the run with the chickens but inside a small fenced in area with his own food and water till they have all had the chance to get to know each other. Chickens can injure a ducklings pecking the eyes or injuring other ways. Always best to do intro slowly. And then if you have a drake you'll end up having to pen and coop him separate from your hens anyway because once hormones kick in he'll be wanting to mate with them and ducks and chickens are not made to mate and can kill hens. Best to maybe consider getting your duck a few friends of it's own.
I have a 2 week old duckling, only one he is very attached to me as if I was his mother. I have six chickens, is it going to be an issue to have the little duck with the chickens , I feel like they have no interest in him. Will one of them take over mothering him when he goes in the coop? Or is he going to be the black sheep?
everything everyone else has said plus ducky needs to be warm and prob can't be out in a coup till he gets feathers and can keep himself warm.(4 weeks or more)
Thanks for the info!! :) This is a crazy question, has anyone ever heard of a duck being trained to live in a house , potty training with a litter box!??? I know it's a little nuts, but I do have a pig living in my house trained. I only have one duck and he is so attached to me, he was a rescue duckling in need of a home, I really don't want to have to get another Duck friend for him. He seems happy alone, is it unheard of only having one duck? I would like to put him with the chickens but I am not sure if that's such a good idea with the duck possibly being a drake!
There are some who have house ducks, they wear diapers. To each is own. I am a real believer in providing a natural environment and to me that is a with a flock and able to forage but it's heard of opinions vary greatly on the concept of it, definitely requires a different level of commitment.
Thanks for the info!!
This is a crazy question, has anyone ever heard of a duck being trained to live in a house , potty training with a litter box!??? I know it's a little nuts, but I do have a pig living in my house trained. I only have one duck and he is so attached to me, he was a rescue duckling in need of a home, I really don't want to have to get another Duck friend for him. He seems happy alone, is it unheard of only having one duck? I would like to put him with the chickens but I am not sure if that's such a good idea with the duck possibly being a drake!
they can't hold their poop, you will have to diaper ducky. a young friend would be good for ducky and put them in doggy house right next to your house for them to share and then they are close to you also.

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