The Duck Thread

Update: The duckling has been separated from the rest of the flock, but its condition hasn't improved. It is lively enough (not listless at all), and is eating and drinking some, but is very unstable on its feet. It will easily flip over onto its back and not be able to get up. This weekend, I've had to right it several times. I am wondering now if it is sick, and that was the reason the young ducks were "attacking" it.
Update: The duckling has been separated from the rest of the flock, but its condition hasn't improved. It is lively enough (not listless at all), and is eating and drinking some, but is very unstable on its feet. It will easily flip over onto its back and not be able to get up. This weekend, I've had to right it several times. I am wondering now if it is sick, and that was the reason the young ducks were "attacking" it.
Have you started it on vitamins, especially thiamine and niacin? If not, I strongly urge you to do so.

(need to go away from the computer for a bit, will check back later)
Was planning on picking some up at the vet's tomorrow (not open on weekends where I live).

Do you have a pet store or feed store? they usually carry vitamins. And now we may know why the were pecking on this baby, they can sense things much easier that we can. I rec getting the vitamins asap and start them, if it's a deficiency
you should see improvement in 2-4 days.

Finally a nice day! My babies can get out of there cage and not be on the snow!

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