The Duck Thread

My d'Uccle are very gentle. I always use their coop for a grow out place for other poultry. Everyone free ranges together during the day with no problems. I'm not worried about their flock safety its the temperature that concerns me.
Help Please!!!

I had a lone duckling hatch and its little foot is wadded up. It had to be assisted to hatch after 3+ days of being piped. I have some one coming to get it to raise with their baby duck, but I would like to show him how to care for the foot. Do I make a boot for it like I would a chick with crooked toes?
When I got home and went to work on its feet they are almost straight. It is running around so I'm going to keep a close eye on it and make sure it doesn't have any more problems. I was worried the tape would tear the webbing on its tiny little feet. This is the smallest duck I've ever seen. Its the size of a 5 day old Silkie. I font know what kind it is I was told the clock the eggs came from are all colors.
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It was stuck in the egg piped for 3+ days and my friend who was incubating the eggs pulled it out of the egg. It as the only hatchling out of 24 eggs. I've never had luck with things that do t hatch on their own, but it seems to be doing fine now that its feet are strait.

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