The Duck Thread

I bought some pekin ducklings the other day and noticed today that one had torn its webbed feet. Is that ok? Should I be worried?
here is a picture.
Ok so now that I have ducks again I'm wanting to build a inexpensive but predator proof duck coop, does anyone have any ideas to reuse things to make one? I was thinking like a metal gazebo frame or a dog kennel modified into a duck run.

Also I want to give my ducklings treats and was wondering if Greek yogurt is ok for them (they are 3 days old) and if there is anything else that they would like?
I got chick starter for my ducklings and forgot to make sure it wasn't medicated, I had an event the day I got it and had my brother keeping an eye on my ducklings and he opened the bag and gave it to them. Well when I got home I saw that it was medicated. Well I searched to see if it would be ok and saw that someone said the medicated kind today usually only has amprolium and that is fine for ducks. Is this true? It's purina start and grow sun fresh recipie medicated
I got chick starter for my ducklings and forgot to make sure it wasn't medicated, I had an event the day I got it and had my brother keeping an eye on my ducklings and he opened the bag and gave it to them. Well when I got home I saw that it was medicated. Well I searched to see if it would be ok and saw that someone said the medicated kind today usually only has amprolium and that is fine for ducks. Is this true? It's purina start and grow sun fresh recipie medicated
it will be fine until you can get something better
Ok so now that I have ducks again I'm wanting to build a inexpensive but predator proof duck coop, does anyone have any ideas to reuse things to make one? I was thinking like a metal gazebo frame or a dog kennel modified into a duck run.

Also I want to give my ducklings treats and was wondering if Greek yogurt is ok for them (they are 3 days old) and if there is anything else that they would like?
Don't know if they'll eat it mine have never liked yogurt. but here is the link to treats safe for ducklings/ducks.. always be sure to offer grit when feeding anything other than starter crumble. Congrats on the new ducklings.
I got chick starter for my ducklings and forgot to make sure it wasn't medicated, I had an event the day I got it and had my brother keeping an eye on my ducklings and he opened the bag and gave it to them. Well when I got home I saw that it was medicated. Well I searched to see if it would be ok and saw that someone said the medicated kind today usually only has amprolium and that is fine for ducks. Is this true? It's purina start and grow sun fresh recipie medicated
From all I have read it is safe.

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