The Duck Thread

I got chick starter for my ducklings and forgot to make sure it wasn't medicated, I had an event the day I got it and had my brother keeping an eye on my ducklings and he opened the bag and gave it to them. Well when I got home I saw that it was medicated. Well I searched to see if it would be ok and saw that someone said the medicated kind today usually only has amprolium and that is fine for ducks. Is this true? It's purina start and grow sun fresh recipie medicated

Here is a helpful link:
Can I feed ducklings game bird starter? I'm getting quail and I know they need it, but can I feed it to the ducklings with out risking them getting angel wing?
anyone elses ducks just randomly start being aggressive towards your chickens? they've been together since the very beginnings but all of a sudden ive noticed they are starting to become aggressive and i don't know what to do.... the boys are separated from the girls and the girl is even aggressive towards my chickens
Where is the best place to order ducks? I only want 2-4 and McMurray charges an additional $45 for a small order... I'm interested in Welsh Harlequin, Silver Appleyard,Ancona,Dark and Khaki Campbell.
I checked my ducklings foot today and the torn webbing looks fine but, it seems to have torn a little bigger.
do you have any kind of antibiotic ointment? like triple antibiotic or Neosporin you can spread some on the cut just be sure what you use hasn't any kind of pain relief in especially anything ending with caine.
anyone elses ducks just randomly start being aggressive towards your chickens? they've been together since the very beginnings but all of a sudden ive noticed they are starting to become aggressive and i don't know what to do.... the boys are separated from the girls and the girl is even aggressive towards my chickens

If anything, my chickens chase my ducks!

Where is the best place to order ducks? I only want 2-4 and McMurray charges an additional $45 for a small order... I'm interested in Welsh Harlequin, Silver Appleyard,Ancona,Dark and Khaki Campbell.

I got mine from Ideal. They don't have as many breeds as some (I'd say like 10), but they only have a $25 min no bird minimum & their shipping charges are like $7!!! They have the best prices on all their birds that I've seen. Any that I haven't hatched, I've gotten from them.

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