The Duck Thread


My son with Ana, Elsa and Kristof :) He is so happy to finally have are ducks!
For those of you on both the Cayuga duck thread and this thread, sorry for repeating myself. But I am amazed at the growth rate of my ducklings. They are 6 days old, and in the 5 days I have had them I swear they have doubled in size! I have never seen growth like this before. I thought the goslings growth was amazing, and it was, but I think the ducklings grow even faster.
Hi all. I currently have 3 drakes, one mallard and 2 rouens. I am hoping on getting some girls soon but first we need to build a duck house. I live in Minnesota and don't know what to do next winter. This winter was hard but we managed. I don't want them living in the shed ever again so I was looking for some house ideas. I was thinking something tall enough for a heat lamp and big enough to keep water and food in there for the colder months. It also needs to be fairly cheap. But my main concern is how can I keep it warm enough? All ideas are appreciated, thanks!
If you can make it big enough to place straw/hay bales along the walls and keep a few inches of straw on the floor, it acts as a good insulator. Then as Winter passes into Spring start using the bales along the wall to break up for bedding. I was able to find enough bales of orchard grass (very cheap but lots of seeds which is not so good if the old stuff is being composted - we have lots of grasses in our vegetable beds where the compost went) to line the walls 2-3 bales high. Now that it's warming up I'm down to bottom bales which should take me through Summer. Add a heat lamp high in the middle of the duck house and you have a nice warm sanctuary from the cold. Just keep the lamp about 4 or more feet from the bales.

@jgfetter, my dog guarding the ducklings. She wishes I would let her get in the garden with them! She can't stand it when I make her get back. She inches closer and closer to protect them. :)

@jgfetter, my dog guarding the ducklings. She wishes I would let her get in the garden with them! She can't stand it when I make her get back. She inches closer and closer to protect them.
or to eat them thats what my dog does to jk jk jk
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