The Duck Thread

Hello new to this thread... i dont have ducks or know anything about them but in the future we might get some... what are the main use for them? pets or eggs?
from my understanding a lot has to do with slug control. And many dcks outlay even the best chooks.

wow i just goggled how many eggs a duck lays... i never thought the lay 1 per day and sometimes 2... we might get some ducks :D are the eggs bigger and are good to eat?
can you train ducks to not fly away and lay in egg boxes like chickens? because we had a neighbor with ducks and one male one (we call him dabble) he has escaped and is roaming in the creeks here. he's a Khaki Campbell
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wow i just goggled how many eggs a duck lays... i never thought the lay 1 per day and sometimes 2... we might get some ducks :D are the eggs bigger and are good to eat?

Duck eggs are good to eat and yes the eggs are bigger.

can you train ducks to not fly away and lay in egg boxes like chickens? because we had a neighbor with ducks and one male one (we call him dabble) he has escaped and is roaming in the creeks here. he's a Khaki Campbell

You can clip there wings ( Does not hurt them.) or get a breed that does not fly.
wow i just goggled how many eggs a duck lays... i never thought the lay 1 per day and sometimes 2... we might get some ducks :D are the eggs bigger and are good to eat?

They are bigger and richer than chicken eggs. Bakers prefer duck eggs to chicken for baking.

can you train ducks to not fly away and lay in egg boxes like chickens? because we had a neighbor with ducks and one male one (we call him dabble) he has escaped and is roaming in the creeks here. he's a Khaki Campbell

Most of the heavier ducks don't fly and have no reason to want to. There's a lot of information on ducks and raising then in the sticky section of the duck forum (unless you are on mobile, then you can't see the stickies)
My new ducks!!!!! :D The hen is a grey call and the drake is a mix of a grey call and a snowy call :)
Duck eggs are good to eat and yes the eggs are bigger.
You can clip there wings ( Does not hurt them.) or get a breed that does not fly.

thanks! i would prefer to train them to be loyal and to stay rather then clipping. we are thinking of 2 breeds we might get: Khaki Campbell And magpie duck, i prefer how the magpie duck looks but it is more visible because of being white to eagles and lays less eggs, on the other side there's the Khaki Campbell which lays most eggs of all ducks and is brown more camouflaged to eagles, but its a ugly color :D what do you think is the best choice

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