The Duck Thread

Looks nice  :)   - since security is a big deal to me, and I am always trying to learn more ways people handle certain aspects (and a friend of mine - well, I am trying to explain the importance of protecting from digging under), do you have fencing under the pen, or a fenced skirt outside it, or what?

Thanks! 1/2 hardware cloth is under the bottom, over the top attached to the panel, and 4' high on the bottom, except the door where it is 2' because I ran out and was not making another trip to town! I have chicken wire in places on the front and back sides toward the top where i needed more malleable wire. I did this by myself so I had to make do.
Does anyone know if white chiltern ducks make good mothers. My 1 year old has decided to try and hatch some eggs. She has been sat for 9 days now and I am hoping that she knows what she is doing as I do not have a clue. She is eating and drinking every day and I have candled the eggs but am worried that she will just get up and leave the ducklings to die if they hatch or worse, kill them. Chiltern whites are an Irish cross breed duck. I can't find out much about them.
From what I have read here, it is up to the individual duck.

I would have access to a clean incubator and have a brooder ready to set up, just in case. She may do well, or not, but if this is her first time, only way of knowing is to see how it goes, and be ready to step in.
From what I have read here, it is up to the individual duck.

I would have access to a clean incubator and have a brooder ready to set up, just in case.  She may do well, or not, but if this is her first time, only way of knowing is to see how it goes, and be ready to step in.

Amiga... Thanks but I don't have an incubator and am unlikely to be able to get one anytime soon.
What signs if any do they normally display if they are going to reject the ducklings?
How many eggs is she sitting on. I know nothing of the breed, but with any new Mama a few babies say 4 or 5 don't over whelm them as much as a large number.
Not to change the subject but not sure who to ask! We have 4 adult laying lightweight ducks, 2 one month old runner ducklings and 2 more 2 1/2week old runner babies. First, can the babies stay in an enclosure with temps going to reach 100 this week? They have shade a pool, food and water. They seem to do ok today with 93 by the tiniest one curled up on me this even as if she was very tired! Made me worry that they got too hot today! I checked on them frequently and changed water out often. They ate like champs. The adult girls at one time appeared hot and were panting so I took the hose to them. They roam in over a half acre of lawn, with shade, a pool, and water buckets placed around the yard. QUESTION #2: Chiggers!!!! They are back again like last year! How can I decrease what we have in the yard? We keep the grass short but for some reason somewhere in our yard that is nicely landscaped we have chiggers! So far I have 3, one child has 7, the other has 8...all from one day! What can I treat our yard with that is safe for the ducks?
As far as the ducks and ducklings, if they have an area like you said and there is shade, I suppose if the enclosure is closed up and not much air could be an issue, do they have a run, if not you may need to give them an area to spread out? If you have square hay bales place two on the ground Side by Side but with a gap in between and then put two across length ways to make a hut like shape so they can go in under the hay and walk right through if needed, hay helps with warmth and cool they should be ok, jst make sure the two on top are sitting firmly on the bottom two, you can make it bigger by placing two bales longways with a gap and then another two opposite to it and put three bales on top cross ways to make a roof which is a shaded cool area? I hope you understand what I am trying describe lol Anyway hot weather is a worry
I am from Australia and we had extreme hot weather for days on end 45-47 which equates to 114-116 your conversion and it went on for days, I had baby ducklings and I just kept changing the water, I put them in a tub for a swim (supervised by me and mum!) a few times a day, I know mums take them to swim when ready, but I was just so worried about the heat and I supplied them with crushed up/squashed watermelon in cool water for all the ducks once to twice a day...

Good Luck I don't envy you, we are in Winter now and I know mine will be warm and dry, not hot and bothered! Good Luck, let us know how things go :)
Oh and I meant to ask what are Chiggers? never heard of them LOL perhaps we know them as something different here in Aus :)
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