The Duck Thread

You can allow them to breed...and they will...with their offspring. However I would suggest against hatching of those eggs as there is always the chance of genetic issues. As for eating fertilized eggs...yes you can. So long as you gather eggs on a daily basis and refrigerate them they will not be viable for hatching.

I am just looking for eggs. Will have to get rings or something to know the moms from the daughters if I wanted to hatch.
What is the difference between duck and chicken eggs and are ducks better layers than chickens or vice versa?
There really is not much difference. Some chicken breeds will lay an egg a day and so will some duck breeds.

There is a slight nutritional difference with the advantage going to the duck egg. Duck eggs tend to be larger, have harder shells and thicker membranes. There is also a slight taste difference to duck eggs if you have only ever had chicken eggs.

For baking use the duck egg wins again and baked goods tend to be fluffier and moister when they are used.

I use duck eggs exclusively for baking and there is nothing like pancake/waffles made with duck eggs. Scrambled duck eggs with Serrano peppers, onions and tomatoes can not be beat.

If you fry duck eggs you will want to use a lower temp to avoid the white from becoming tough as duck eggs have less water in the whites then do chicken eggs.
Every day I'm thankful for my life. We don't live big, but we have what we need and a few things we want. I woke up this morning and went out to feed my ducks, sitting next to my feed barrels was two full bags of duck food! I didn't buy them.... Evidently my neighbors have been coming over to check on my dad while I'm at work (he has severe epilepsy) and my dad told me that one of them brought the food. Just because. Truly thankful for the people in my life!
That's some very thoughtful neighbors you have. Maybe you can pay it forward by giving them some fresh duck eggs:) I'm sorry about your Dad's illness.
It's a very sad day here in my house....i just walked in to check on my ducks and one of them had passed away
RIP little one you will be dearly missed.
I'm so sorry for your loss:(
Update on my three remain ducks. They aren't breathing heavy any more and they are eating and drinking. Every time I step in there they quack away at me as if they are really happy to see me which is good because right after I found Clara they were very quiet. I think they are still greaving some but all in all they seem to being doing great. I just did a very thorough cleaning of everything in there box so hopefully all will be ok. I'll post a pic soon of them. Last I checked they were huddled together sleeping.
Thank heaven the rest are doing good now. Great news:)
OMG, I am not sure I could actually do it. When my 8 goslings hatched I was planning on selling some but by the time they were a week old that plan had gone south. So, 11 geese are a permanent part of our landscape.

Since you have so many geese I need your opinion. We have only 1 goose-a very large Toulouse gander. He is a rescue and in the beginning a quiet gentle soul. I've written about him here before and you may have already given me some advice. Here's the problem. He has attacked me 3 times when I take his food out there. He has bitten me and if he knocks me down I'm in for some serious damage. It hurts and I'm quite bruised from the bites. Now he has started to attack my fiance as well. It's only when he sees us with his food, I think. I say that bc I am afraid of him now and will no longer interact with him like I used to. I thought maybe he needed a girl goose but I called a man we bought our ducks and my Americauna from to see if he might have a large female for sale. He doesn't but he said NOT to get my gander a partner bc he could become more aggressive with us as he will then be protective of his lady goose. He told me to buy pepper spry and spray him if he starts to attack again and this will stop him. I can't bring myself to do that. I just don't feel it's humane and probably not safe for him either to spray something like that in his face. If I'm wrong, please tell me. Someone here, maybe it was you, suggested spraying him with water, but that is not going to work bc he loves being sprayed nightly with the hose. I need help with him otherwise he's going to have to go in the freezer. I'm thinking that this was why he was abandoned to begin with now.Can you offer me any other suggestions? We like him very much but I can't keep any animal that is vicious with us.Thank you.
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Well we just got done with letting the duckies play outside in their pool! Picture will come soon! One question tho...when they were all in the pool they all three stopped and turned their head to the side and just stared at us, it creeped me out and scared me a little, they wouldn't respond then just as sudden as they started they stopped and acting like nothing happend! Is this normal?
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