The Duck Thread

If eggs are your goal then you can't beat a Khaki Campbell. As for the gender distribution. Recommended is at a minimum one male for every 4-5 females. One male to 11 females might actually be o.k. as he will distribute his attention around eventually and none of the girls will get over worked and end up with bald spots.
He thinks eggs are HIS goal. The eggs are important but I enjoy my ducks for their personalities and the therapy their antics provide. One of my favorites is my KC Winchester. She is certainly a gal who follows to her own beat. Actually the drake may have 7 gals but he seems to think picking on my older Pekin is an acceptable mode of behavior and the back of the poor gals neck is getting bald. He also pulls her other feathers. I think the other six ladies would be glad to share the attention.
Trying to get as many Opinions as I can. Thinking of getting ducks in a few days, what kind of duck would you recommend for a 2ac place with horses, lots of goats and chickens and no pond. would love some eggs but not a big deal, would like something that likes to eat bugs like those pesky biters!!
and do they require a special feed? Would a kiddy pool be enough for them? What kind of housing would say 4 of them need and how much room? What about winter do they need heat or are they ok in the cold?
Sorry about all the questions, I am going to try and research them but just not finding the time and running out of time to make up our minds, We have till Sunday.
Thank You in advance for any and all replies.

Here is some really good info once you get here you'll see the articles about ducks enjoy.

Kiddy pools are what most of us use. after you read this info go to Metzers web site they have every duck breed and profile that would be the way to choose.
i have Muscovy and i love them they are good at catching bugs and love mosquito's they don't quack but the females make a trilling sound and drakes hiss they are also seasonal layers so they lay spring thur early fall They are called heavy weights at least the drakes are they can get as much as 15 lbs. females around 6
they are broody as ever so that you may not like, but are really good pets.
Trying to get as many Opinions as I can. Thinking of getting ducks in a few days, what kind of duck would you recommend for a 2ac place with horses, lots of goats and chickens and no pond. would love some eggs but not a big deal, would like something that likes to eat bugs like those pesky biters!!
 and do they require a special feed? Would a kiddy pool be enough for them? What kind of housing would say 4 of them need and how much room? What about winter do they need heat or are they ok in the cold?
 Sorry about all the questions, I am going to try and research them but just not finding the time and running out of time to make up our minds, We have till Sunday.
 Thank You in advance for any and all replies.

I'm not a Muscovy owner but they would be on my short list. My personal favorites are Cayugas. From what I've read, (no experience) Muscovys are take it or leave it when it comes to water. Babies get starter crumble and we do a layer food mixed with all flock pellets for the adults. Kiddie pools are good. All ducks need to be able to drink ad rinse their sinuses. I like to be able to secure my ducks at night. A well secured, predator proof house of some sort.... And I do provide heat for mine in the winter, but I'm in Maine! Good luck!
my little Stew has been doing really good! Me and my mom have been looking for a place out where we live that sells baby Ducks! And thankfully we found one that sells em! 3 dollars a piece! Thinking about getting stew a brother/ sister so he's not as lonely! He LOVES watching tv with me! He sits on my shoulder and gets in my hair I have kittens so we got a baby swimming pool that is pretty big and we put him in it so he can run around with out the kittens messing with him! He makes a big mess but I've grown attached do it's worth it!
Here is some really good info once you get here you'll see the articles about ducks enjoy.

Kiddy pools are what most of us use. after you read this info go to Metzers web site they have every duck breed and profile that would be the way to choose.
i have Muscovy and i love them they are good at catching bugs and love mosquito's they don't quack but the females make a trilling sound and drakes hiss they are also seasonal layers so they lay spring thur early fall They are called heavy weights at least the drakes are they can get as much as 15 lbs. females around 6
they are broody as ever so that you may not like, but are really good pets.
With neighbors so close to me the not quacking might be a good thing. Thanks for the link I'm going there now.

I'm not a Muscovy owner but they would be on my short list. My personal favorites are Cayugas. From what I've read, (no experience) Muscovys are take it or leave it when it comes to water. Babies get starter crumble and we do a layer food mixed with all flock pellets for the adults. Kiddie pools are good. All ducks need to be able to drink ad rinse their sinuses. I like to be able to secure my ducks at night. A well secured, predator proof house of some sort.... And I do provide heat for mine in the winter, but I'm in Maine! Good luck!
I'll look them up too, thanks

my little Stew has been doing really good! Me and my mom have been looking for a place out where we live that sells baby Ducks! And thankfully we found one that sells em! 3 dollars a piece! Thinking about getting stew a brother/ sister so he's not as lonely! He LOVES watching tv with me! He sits on my shoulder and gets in my hair I have kittens so we got a baby swimming pool that is pretty big and we put him in it so he can run around with out the kittens messing with him! He makes a big mess but I've grown attached do it's worth it!
Stew is cute, what kind of duck is he?
my little Stew has been doing really good! Me and my mom have been looking for a place out where we live that sells baby Ducks! And thankfully we found one that sells em! 3 dollars a piece! Thinking about getting stew a brother/ sister so he's not as lonely! He LOVES watching tv with me! He sits on my shoulder and gets in my hair I have kittens so we got a baby swimming pool that is pretty big and we put him in it so he can run around with out the kittens messing with him! He makes a big mess but I've grown attached do it's worth it!
I am so happy that things are working out with Stew. If you do get a companion duck try to find one about the same size and age as Stew is at that point in time. That way there will be less chance of bickering while they get acquainted. Stew will probably be a bit jealous of you at first but they will adjust and be best buds. Don't feel bad if after a while they prefer each other to you or any other human. They are ducks after all and will prefer each others company. That will not mean they don't like you any more. Just that they are happy to be together. Watch those kittens. When they get older they may not be trust worthy around the ducks. Keep us informed as things progress.
I am so happy that things are working out with Stew. If you do get a companion duck try to find one about the same size and age as Stew is at that point in time. That way there will be less chance of bickering while they get acquainted. Stew will probably be a bit jealous of you at first but they will adjust and be best buds. Don't feel bad if after a while they prefer each other to you or any other human. They are ducks after all and will prefer each others company. That will not mean they don't like you any more. Just that they are happy to be together. Watch those kittens. When they get older they may not be trust worthy around the ducks. Keep us informed as things progress.
I will for sure! Can I feed him slices of carrots? Or could those cause problems?

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