The Duck Thread

Quote: It's true that ducks don't have crops the same *shape* as chickens, but they do have crops, and the rest of their digestive system is just like a chicken's. I can see no problem feeding cooked carrots, finely diced carrots or small amounts of carrot peelings, though I would avoid feeding them large pieces that could block the entrance to the entrance to the stomach (proventriculas).

All things in moderation and provide grit.

Crop on left looks most like a duck crop.

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Hi no duck eggs viable out of like 20 eggs?!? But today is day 18 for the chicken eggs my dad found in his yard. They are going strong. Do I lockdown now or later today do I turn the eggs today? Turned once this morning at 7am....have no idea what I'm doing
Some suggestions that may help. First, you are going to have to get over your fear. He can not really harm you though what he does may hurt.

1. NEVER turn your back on him, it places him in a position where he can attack 
2. Get and carry a stick. I use the handle of a shovel. DO NOT hit him but use it to redirect him. You can use it to push him away by vertically pushing it against his neck or body. You are not trying to hurt him, just redirect him.
3. When walking and trying to direct him just swing the stick back and forth like the pendulum of a clock. He can see it but can not figure out how to get past it.
4. Try putting his food out while he is confined elsewhere then let him in to the food but DO NOT walk away from him with your back to him.
5. Spraying water will not work with my geese as they, like yours, enjoy the spray too much

Geese are flocking birds and he probably does need a goose companion. DO NOT get him a female companion if he is already aggressive toward you. If you can find a male goose about the same age and size you might try. There will be fighting at first to establish who is boss and you may find they can not be together and find yourself stuck with two geese. So think carefully about it. 

Good luck to you. You really have a challenge ahead of you and the only solution may be, as you put it, the freezer. I hope not, I would rather him be rehomed if possible.

Thank you so much and we will try your suggestions. Last night Michael walked right in and picked him up bc we moved him to a different pen. We were outside til after 2 a.m. and he's always so quiet and calm when we are outside near him.Not that he's a noisy goose bc he isn't. He just looks calmer all around. understand you'd rather see him rehomed, but I would not want to rehome him to someone else who might get hurt. We will do everything we can to help him. But I do not want to get stuck with 2 geese so not sure about that idea.Again thanks for your quick response and I'll keep you updated here.

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