The Duck Thread

Most of the time they are great ;) Wobbles has been kind of a butt recently. I'm thinking his hormones hit hard. The other day he actually tried to kill my boots and he now gets so excited to see us that he bites super hard every single time. We know he loves us, it is clear he wants attention but then just gets crazy. Hoping he doesn't stay like this forever and it is a passing phase. Love him regardless but I would love to be able to give him the love he wants (head scratches and cuddles). 

Also, I got a new camera so in coming days be prepared for a photo flood. I have a ton I need to upload!
Wobbles is a hormonal boy burd. I think it calms down but I am not sure. But it still has to be hard to not be able to snuggle him. And I can hardly wait for the photos. You always post great ones:)




New pics taken yesterday of JoJo and Lily and of course Ryleigh!!!




New pics taken yesterday of JoJo and Lily and of course Ryleigh!!!
Aaaaaaaaa EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Natasha, pick me up from the airport. I am here now in your town to scoop and kiss Lily and JoJo. And to hug you and Ry. OMgosh. Soooo cute. Really.

Edit; one more thing, save some of these for next year's calendar.
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Willow again, clearly didn't like something he/she picked up (actually this might be Sara... I can tell them apart but not sure with this shot)

Layla taking a bath in a pan LOL

Little duck..she is a character. Shane was misting them with the hose. She always does this silly dance when we mist her. Need to get it on video

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I wanted to stop in and thank you all for the kind words for my sweet little dog.

I am adjusting to our new normal and it is such a hard adjustment. Willow must of known I was having a hard morning today because when I let the ducks out to roam for a bit he/she did not want to leave my side. She (probably a boy but I cannot stop saying she) followed me back to the temp pen when Sara (blue scovy behind me) got confused on how to get out of the pen and I had to go help him (Sara) find the door. Willow came in the pen with me and then followed me back out to my blanket and laid right by me. She stayed almost the entire time the ducks had roaming time today. She made me feel much better.

I'm behind as usual and no time to catch up but I wanted to send you a hug
and say this picture is just PRECIOUS!


Willow again, clearly didn't like something he/she picked up (actually this might be Sara... I can tell them apart but not sure with this shot)

Layla taking a bath in a pan LOL

Little duck..she is a character. Shane was misting them with the hose. She always does this silly dance when we mist her. Need to get it on video

They are all beautiful.

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