The Duck Thread

I just hatched these little babies. It's my first attempt at incubating eggs. I believe these guys are Indian runner ducklings
Oh my! Adorable!!!!
Did she molt this year? All but 2 of my ducks molted this year and there is a stark difference between them. They are all healthy but the crispy feathered girls really need to molt! They look rough.
Come to think of it, she hasn't yet. Everyone else has molted besides her. Thank you so much for reminding me of that!

One of my drakes is the same way! He doesn't appear to have any health problems, he's just super scroungey ALL the time!
Poor guy!
Perhaps our ducks need a little tutelage on how to properly self-groom.

Lucky you!  Wish I could hatch.  What kind of incubator are you using?  What kind of adult ducks to you have?
I have 8 adult ducks and they are Saxony, Indian runner, and muscovy. I also have 6 teenage ducks that are Saxony or Pekin. I thought it would be really hard to hatch ducks based on all the forums but I set the temp, turned them a couple of times a day and bam they hatched! It's just a regular electrical thermostat incubator, picked it up for 60 bucks 2nd hand
10 duck here. 9 khakis and 1 Cayuga. We raised them from chicks last year. We just herded them across to the garden for the first time yesterday. It was so awesome, and fairly simple but What are your herding techniques? We cannot let the "run free" or they will run into the forest and/or get eaten by foxes, wreaked, etc;. So into the net covered garden it is. How do you move your ducks and chickens around your yard?
I have 4 ducks that are fairly closely bonded to me.

They free forage around the yard and the surrounding forest with direct supervision.

When I need to move them I start walking away and calling " duck duck duck duck". Once i'm about 5 feet away they start moving towards me.

I do have to herd them off of a big puddle area that forms from snow melt/ crazy heavy rains near their pen area. THey cannot resist that puddle even in winter.

I stay behind them and put out either one or both arms to keep them in formation. It is easier if you hold something long like a stick or rake that they can see without turning their heads towards you.

I can "push" herd them off the puddle. If they stop walking forward I can get in front of them and do the "duck duck duck" call and they'll follow. But i think this is only because I have been using this call with them since the ride home from the post office when they were hatchlings. I also used it when on their daily outside foraging trips before they were teenagers.

Try not to have a light source at your back. you don't want to cast your shadow in front them. It will just scare them.

If you can get one to go where you want the others will usually follow. Even if it mean you have to gently pick one up and carry the duck where it needs to be.
10 duck here. 9 khakis and 1 Cayuga. We raised them from chicks last year. We just herded them across to the garden for the first time yesterday. It was so awesome, and fairly simple but What are your herding techniques? We cannot let the "run free" or they will run into the forest and/or get eaten by foxes, wreaked, etc;. So into the net covered garden it is. How do you move your ducks and chickens around your yard?
I use a long bamboo pole and sometimes just my arms they are all use to me herding them so even if I just open my arms now they all go where I want ,but for a few rebellious ones the long pole works great.
Hey there!

I've got a Cayuga / runner mix that i would like to let sit on some eggs. The drake that' would be the dad is a mallard / runner mix. The momma duck seems to have good mothering instincts - yesterday a strong wind blew down a branch near the eggs and she actually went and rolled the eggs one by one to a new location. She currently has a clutch of 5 eggs (one of which is almost pure black, and the rest are blue. So cool!). I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it normal that she's burying them under a pretty deep layer of bedding every morning? Will she unbury them to sit on them, or should I be unburying them?

2. How many eggs will make a typical clutch? If she's laying too many, can I replace some with unfertilized eggs to keep her from hatching like fifteen ducklings? Haha

3. Once she starts sitting on them, can I move her to a seprate enclosure, or will the nest have to stay where it is?

Thanks for the advice everyone!
I have a goose question. I have 4 geese. 1 Chinese gander. 1 Toulouse or Steinbacher goose and 2 cross breeds (was told they were off spring of the others and that they were female). Now my question.... I only get 1 egg every 2 days. They started a nest and are sitting. The Toulouse/Steinbacher and the 2 crosses guard and take turns sitting on eggs. They will not allow the Chinese gander any where near. Is that normal or could 1 of the mixes be a gander and the mate to the Toulouse/Steinbacher?. In this picture from right to left- Chinese gander(white), Toulouse/Steinbacher goose, then the 2 crosses. I have only had them for a month.


And does anyone know the breed of the goose. Was told it was Toulouse but it has the black been tip and lips of the Steinbacher?.

I have a goose question. I have 4 geese. 1 Chinese gander. 1 Toulouse or Steinbacher goose and 2 cross breeds (was told they were off spring of the others and that they were female). Now my question.... I only get 1 egg every 2 days. They started a nest and are sitting. The Toulouse/Steinbacher and the 2 crosses guard and take turns sitting on eggs. They will not allow the Chinese gander any where near. Is that normal or could 1 of the mixes be a gander and the mate to the Toulouse/Steinbacher?. In this picture from right to left- Chinese gander(white), Toulouse/Steinbacher goose, then the 2 crosses. I have only had them for a month.


And does anyone know the breed of the goose. Was told it was Toulouse but it has the black been tip and lips of the Steinbacher?.

I have no idea but you might have better luck posting the the goose area

They sure are pretty! @Miss Lydia @jtn42248

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