The Duck Thread



Button brooding in her volcano nest!!
This is brooding, in spring, in Maine!!

Button is absolutely adorable!!! :love
Ok so I've got a mallard hen, a pekin hen and then this little thing here. All of the TSC ducks were to be mallard but I'm not so sure this one isn't a chocolate runner??? Any suggestions they are 10 weeks old now
I have a 20x25ft pen for my 14 ducks, and even though 500sq ft seems like plenty of room for that many ducks, I personally don't think it is. They killed off all the grass within a couple months (and that was back when I only had 8 ducks). They produce so much waste and the pen stinks a lot during the wet season (now). There are some measures you can take so try and cut down on smell. It really depends on your set up and the type of ducks you are getting. For your size of enclosure, I personally would recommend maybe six at the most. You could probably get more, but that's just me. I do not like my animals to feel crowded in the least.

I agree. I will have 15 in a 20x20 secure area. They will only be confined here when we will be gone at "bed time" or gone for a weekend. Even for that limited use, this is not much space for them. Based on my own pen I would say 25 sq ft/duck would be a minimum with free ranging, and probably close to double that if the run is their full range. The 3 sq.ft per duck is for a house not a run. My 15 ducks will fit in my 6x8 shed for the night and that works out to 3.2 sq. ft per duck. This is with no water or food and I would again consider this minimal. They will get more room (with a possibility of water) when I someday build their super quack shack. So with free ranging (as you said) I would be right with PotatoWaffles at six for a max and only 3 or 4 if they don't get to range.

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