The Duck Thread

What is your duck pen like?  Can the ducks and drakes see each other?  Tonight I'm going to split our pen down the middle, girls on one side boys on the other, using an exercise pen fence.  It's only 3 feet tall so I'm concerned they will fly over it
i looked through my pics and did not find any good ones that show my pen area. i will take some pics tomorrow for you and share them.
I've got ducklings getting ready to hatch soon from under a broody, and I was wondering if there's anything special I should be doing? I'm completely new to this, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You might want to give her and ducklings privacy for at least a week. and if you have drakes you will want to keep them away from mama and babies at least 2-3 weeks unless they can all free range then drakes aren't as territorial. Just going by my own experience. Once mama wants to bring babies out make sure the flock can see the new members but can't get to them right off. Ducklings don't always stay as close to mama as they should and get hurt.
I've got ducklings getting ready to hatch soon from under a broody, and I was wondering if there's anything special I should be doing? I'm completely new to this, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Congratulations, Alex! I can't help you I have never hatched anything. I don't have any drakes. I have a hen that I think would like to go broody, she spends an awful lot of time on the nest, but she doesn't seem to REALLY know what to do. Mine are Pekins, I understand they don't sit on nests well. That may explain her actions.

Anyway, good luck! Hopefully someone will write to you with answers. I do know that mom needs to have water and feed near so that she doesn't have to leave the nest for very long. That's all the advice I have! Ha Ha!

Congratulations, Alex! I can't help you I have never hatched anything. I don't have any drakes. I have a hen that I think would like to go broody, she spends an awful lot of time on the nest, but she doesn't seem to REALLY know what to do. Mine are Pekins, I understand they don't sit on nests well. That may explain her actions.

Anyway, good luck! Hopefully someone will write to you with answers. I do know that mom needs to have water and feed near so that she doesn't have to leave the nest for very long. That's all the advice I have! Ha Ha!


You are so sweet, thanks! :D I'll be sure to share pictures when they hatch.

You need to get a drake, because duck math is just waiting to be fulfilled! ;)

Okay, I'll try to squeeze back in the corner to where she built her nest and set up a waterer and feeder. :) Wish me the best in accomplishing this task!

You are so sweet, thanks!
I'll be sure to share pictures when they hatch.

You need to get a drake, because duck math is just waiting to be fulfilled!

Okay, I'll try to squeeze back in the corner to where she built her nest and set up a waterer and feeder.
Wish me the best in accomplishing this task!

No drakes needed! I can't even imagine how I would do if a hen was killed by a drake in mating. Plus I don't want any partial babies in my eggs, I don't think I could handle that! I'll just keep my flock as all hens, but thanks anyway.

Please, pictures will be wonderful!

I DO wish you luck, The hens can be intimidating when they aren't happy!

@MandyJ @CyndiD

This is my setup. Last night I split it basically down the middle with the ex-pen fence and that worked great. Of course everyone is upset about it but it did seem like the girls are happy to be on their own. This morning the girls are in the pen and the boys are free ranging. There are two girls upset about that now and one drake that wants his mate so badly. I plan on shifting the boys in later and letting the girls out to free range with the exception of the one drake who seems to be pining for his mate. They were our last two we got and they are usually inseparable. So I will see how it all does this afternoon. Thank you so much for your advice. It has helped tremendously. I am working so hard on this. Even on 4th of July
@MandyJ @CyndiD This is my setup. Last night I split it basically down the middle with the ex-pen fence and that worked great. Of course everyone is upset about it but it did seem like the girls are happy to be on their own. This morning the girls are in the pen and the boys are free ranging. There are two girls upset about that now and one drake that wants his mate so badly. I plan on shifting the boys in later and letting the girls out to free range with the exception of the one drake who seems to be pining for his mate. They were our last two we got and they are usually inseparable. So I will see how it all does this afternoon. Thank you so much for your advice. It has helped tremendously. I am working so hard on this. Even on 4th of July :thumbsup

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