The Duck Thread

Here's Snowflake a week after bringing him home.
Love the pictures of your ponds, and how they're dug out. We have a seasonal pond in the back that dries up in the summer--i think if we dug it out, it would stay wet year round. It's a big project though, and low on the priority list. :)
@Chicken Egg 17 Here's how we dug the most recent pond. It was actually re-dug, after originally being lined with clay. I put steps going all the way to the bottom if I need to get to the bottom of the pond for cleaning or whatever. It is about 3 feet deep at the deepest point. I would suggest putting at least a top step to set rocks on to build up to the edge. Having a top step will also help if a chicken would decide to go in the pond. My chickens, and chicks always explore around the edges, and everyone likes to drink the pond water. They also are given fresh water daily, but they mostly like to drink pond water. The left side was expanded after getting the pond liner home, and seeing how it was way overestimated on how much liner was needed. Some liner was still cut off, and I have enough for another small pond, that I plan to install next year. I suggest that you re-think about using a waterproof tarp as a liner, as that won't be sufficient to last very long. A sufficient pond liner is fish safe and 45 mil thick, and has a 30 year guarantee. You could also consider pure clay, but needs to be 12" thick to hold water. Hope your project works out well, and please keep us posted.
Thank you I do have a top step and there the water will be around 6 inches deep and the deepest point is at around 3 feet maybe a little more but not much. And I just thought of this last night I have a stream that runs down a hill so it would be easily gravity fed down to the pond with a garden hose and then out of the front of the pond with another hose back down to the stream. And I can easily take the input out to drain the pond for cleaning Will get picks later of what I have done so far and also measurements. Thanks for all the help


It dobt look the best right now but you can see the bottom is all clay and for living at the bottom of a mountain im suprised i havnt hit any rocks. And the top pic is the water in let
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Digging is completely done I finished it a few minutes ago I have an old pool liner that I had in the stream using it as a pond liner I am going to rinse it off and put it in the pond and let the weight of the water in it pack the dirt in good.

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