The Duck Thread

Ok the babies are growing. Any thoughts on breed or sex?
I sure hope everyone arrives safe and healthy this time. Are you getting the cold weather this weekend ? any way here is a pic of 1
and another pic
You lil guys will be so tiny so not sure if you won't have to give them a way to get up to these. at first. and you'll need to make the hole small enough they can't fall into them. I like your water containment set up explain how you made it please.
Thanks! Its a cheap lasagna pan from walmart and extra 1/2 inch wire mesh. Did about an inch and a half overhang around all sides of pan, midered corners and covered edges in duct tape. Also added Velcro on two sides to hold in place but don't think I really needed it. I'm pretty happy with it. I limed the puppy pad thing but didnt have time to order one. Tweaking heating pad right now but I tried it out with a week old chick and she loves it. Got so quite after I put her under.
Quick question. I can't remember who commented on FF for ducklings and I'll try to look it up but would you use wetter or dryer for them. I strain for chicks because they like to scratch but not sure about ducks. Pretty sure I'm going to be a nervous reck till 1 pm tomorrow. I am hoping for a way better day then last week. Should be 7 ducks, 11 chicks, and another 6 EEs from a different hatchery.
She was laying on them for like one or two days. The egg was alone in the cold for at least 8 hours before I brought it in. I have high doubts about it but I'm gonna keep trying. Thank your r the info though, I won't wash it.

Also, I can't seem to get the humidity in my incubator right. I've added a lot of water and have been misting the egg occasionally but it stays at 45%. Everything I've read needs 55%. Any advice on that? Thank you!
When a duck lays an egg there is a protective layer called the "bloom" on it that is suppose to help protect it from bacteria. So, unless it is caked with poo, don't wash it or you lose that.
Was the mother duck sitting on the eggs? If not, development of the duckling doesn't begin until you incubate it. So, you can try candling but you might not see anything because you are too early. If she wasnt yet sitting on them and the egg looks just like an unfertilized one when candled, give it at least a week in the incubator and candle it again.
Good luck!
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She was laying on them for like one or two days. The egg was alone in the cold for at least 8 hours before I brought it in. I have high doubts about it but I'm gonna keep trying. Thank your r the info though, I won't wash it.

Also, I can't seem to get the humidity in my incubator right. I've added a lot of water and have been misting the egg occasionally but it stays at 45%. Everything I've read needs 55%. Any advice on that? Thank you!

I would not worry about the humidity until the end of incubation. I have had better success with the dry hatch method. Give it a week and then candle it -you never know. :fl
I'm on day 25 for my khaki eggs and I candled to check everything was ok which they are fine and moving around. The question I have is it's clear at the pointy end is that normal? I thought the whole egg was supposed to be dark

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