The Duck Thread

Quick question. I can't remember who commented on FF for ducklings and I'll try to look it up but would you use wetter or dryer for them. I strain for chicks because they like to scratch but not sure about ducks. Pretty sure I'm going to be a nervous reck till 1 pm tomorrow. I am hoping for a way better day then last week. Should be 7 ducks, 11 chicks, and another 6 EEs from a different hatchery.
I use moist, not wet but moist. I just think they can eat it better than dry.

We're hanging in here with you tomorrow will be a good day with lost of healthy babies.
Ahhhh!!! I cant take this! Im litteraly all set up just waiting. Every other time I've gotten a text from post master at 1 pm sharp. Nothing yet! And while we're kinda friends I don't want to bug her.
I'm thinking about drive over. Its only 5 min away. It should be there right. Left same time from same place as last two weeks and they were there at 1. Could they forget to text me?

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