The Duck Thread

Help!!! We have had two ducklings for a while. We have brooded them to temp and they are old enough to be outside. In our backyard we have shelter, food, and a lake for them to enjoy. This is their first night outside alone we stayed with them by the lake for several hours and they know where the lake and shelter is. However when we went back to the house for the night about an hour passed and they made their way back to the house. They didn't see us come back to the house but managed to find their way back to The porch what do we do? Will they figure it out and head back down. Should we let them
Back inside? Confused and concerned

I do not have a pond or lake but I would say yes, take them in. They have no way to defend themselves from night time predators and are literally sitting ducks.
Help!!! We have had two ducklings for a while. We have brooded them to temp and they are old enough to be outside. In our backyard we have shelter, food, and a lake for them to enjoy. This is their first night outside alone we stayed with them by the lake for several hours and they know where the lake and shelter is. However when we went back to the house for the night about an hour passed and they made their way back to the house. They didn't see us come back to the house but managed to find their way back to The porch what do we do? Will they figure it out and head back down. Should we let them
Back inside? Confused and concerned

Edit. Headed back down to the lake they found their own way back down, threw together a coop for tonight will let them back out in the morning.

Once they get used to staying inside coop they will automatically go in at night. Took mine 2 or 3 days outside before they all went in on there own. Now I go out just before dark and they are already inside all I do is shut and latch door just like my chickens so no predators can get them. They are quacking to be released and come running out when I open it in morning
No words could say how sorry I am. I have had my brooder get extremely dirty at times when my husband was rushed to a hospital 2 hours away. I would think there was a neurological issue she was born with.

Thanks again everyone. I swear tomorrow I'll post cute pics of the ducklings I still have and won't be a downer.

She was the one that had the head shaking issue too right from the get go. She would shake her head side to side really fast every time she drank and a lot for no reason at all. Sometimes so hard she'd fall over. Seamed fine otherwise though... She was so cute.
@lakesidefamily "Help!!! We have had two ducklings for a while. We have brooded them to temp and they are old enough to be outside. In our backyard we have shelter, food, and a lake for them to enjoy. This is their first night outside alone we stayed with them by the lake for several hours and they know where the lake and shelter is. However when we went back to the house for the night about an hour passed and they made their way back to the house. They didn't see us come back to the house but managed to find their way back to The porch what do we do? Will they figure it out and head back down. Should we let them
Back inside? Confused and concerned

Edit. Headed back down to the lake they found their own way back down, threw together a coop for tonight will let them back out in the morning.
Edited by lakesidefamily - Today at 8:33 pm"

Mine are 7 months old (born Sept 10) laying nicely with ducklings in the brooder.
Tonight is their first night out in their new coop in the garden. My coop is inside a 6 X 8 foot 1/2 X11 inch wire covered and roofed structure.
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My babies are getting so big!!!!! They are 2 weeks today! They are adorable and fat little 'lings!



I'm in love with this little baby and am keeping her/him!! It isn't named yet but 'she' has an one eyed smiley face on top of her head! Any suggestions!??!!?


They finally figured out the pool yesterday, we relocated it to a permanent location this weekend with a 2" shower drain at the bottom, 110 gallons now drains in under a minute DH is pretty proud of that! They got in yesterday and could not get out without help so the plywood was a quick solution, any suggestions for a better 'ramp' would be appreciated! I'm concerned about the plywood holding up, (I do take it out at night when the babies are penned up) wet plywood is very yummy according to little birds :-/

Try a brick.
Once they get used to staying inside coop they will automatically go in at night. Took mine 2 or 3 days outside before they all went in on there own. Now I go out just before dark and they are already inside all I do is shut and latch door just like my chickens so no predators can get them. They are quacking to be released and come running out when I open it in morning
But you cannot expect ducklings to go into their house and close the door which sounds like @lakesidefamily expects. Poor babies, Ducks inside an encloususre with out the safety of door and lock are extremely unsafe. Big difference.
Hey @EmilyP what breed is mama duck in those pics? The are adorable!

So my three amigos are doing well. And my water catcher is working amazing! I'll have to switch waterer soon but they can still easily clean nostrils. Hoping I have 2 girls and a boy but we'll see. So adorable!

The EI don't seem to be getting sick so hopefully it was just something about her and not environment. This last month has been rough but at least I have learned a bunch.

Pretty sure we broke the broody in my mallard when we moved nest. I left it in pen while out of town and she hasn't laid an egg or sat on them since. Can I get rid of them now? She's still chasing anyone that gets close.

And both of my young Muscovy are going broody I think. Well one for sure. She has a nest in the middle of a 20 ft long cement culvert that was left on our property. Only comes out to eat and drink. I can't get to her at all. Thinking about closing up ends at night to protect her. My other girl made her nest on chicken coop floor and has spent the night in there the last 3 days. She's a good girl lol.
How mellow are my ducks? Well Kaine was chasing Tevye, so he got a time out. That involves me sitting in a chair with him standing on my leg for 10-15 minutes and me scratching his chest which he absolutely hates. He stands perfectly calm throughout his "punishment". Allie was lying down in front of the chair when I came carrying Kaine and was completely OK with my straddling her so that I could sit down right above her head. Yvonne was with me in the yard at the time and we had a laugh at how mellow Allie was. Pocahontas came over and pecked at my foot to see if I might give her a treat, then just to make it all ridiculous, I picked up my other foot and rested it on Allie's back (of course I didn't put any weight down on her.) Well everybody stayed like that long enough for Yvonne to get out her phone, select the camera and take a picture. Afterward I put my foot back down on the other side of Allie and Kaine served out his sentence. I let go of him and he flew off my leg to the ground. Allie was still there after I got up (yes she can walk.) I think my ducks trust me - I shall try to deserve that trust every day :D .
This pic is great! Can't wait to have ducks that might like me lol. I'm holding my babies all the time so they get used to it!

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