The experiment begins! How many eggs can you save from a single hen.

So cool. Your experiment gives me great ideas!

I'm going to bed now. As it stands 12 of the 15 have hatched and one more has pipped internally. The other 2 are silent so far. As is the egg that I added two days after the hatch began, but I am not surprised by that. My best guess is that we will have at least one more by morning and one more in a day or two. If that happens it will be my best hatch so far.

This is my third hatch. The first I hatched 1 of 13. The 2nd I hatched 13 of 16.

Edit: There is a slight error in this post. I had assumed that the egg I added two days late had not yet hatched at the time of this post. Turn out I was wrong.
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The one that pipped this morning did arrive. So I have a total count of 13

12 of the original 15 plus the egg I added which makes 13 of 16. I am thinking the EE hatch is done though I will keep it going for a while to see if the duck egg is going to hatch.

Here are the collection dates for the eggs that did not hatch. (at least so far)

5/7 15 days before I set the eggs

5/13 9 days

5/16 6 days
I was looking over the data today...

5/7 15 days before I set the eggs

5/13 9 days

5/16 6 days

...and realized something very cool. If I remove the 15 day old egg from the data

Of the eggs that were less than 7 days old, I hatched 6 of 7

Of the eggs that were 7 to 14 days old, I hatched 6 0f 7

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