The First Hatch of 2010 with the Albino Button (picture heavy)

Just a thought Crystal, but as youri is suggesting, most albinos dont see well in bright light.... it has to do with no pigment in the iris and too much light coming in--- pupils can expand and contract but since too much light enters and hits the optic nerve they really dont see well in high light conditions...... having said that, watch the lil booger when he's old enough not to need the heat source and can be in a low light area and see if his visual acuity doesnt improve.... he may do fine in lower light.
I had it under a blue light until yesterday and nothing it has its little way of finding the water dish it walks along the wall until it runs into another wall and then walks until it runs into the water dish trips into it and starts drinking and I can put my fingers right in front of it and move them around nothing at all I may be wrong but I really don't think it can see a thing
Thats A Bummer, Oh Well At Least He Hatched In Right Person's Care! ( Dang Caps Lock--- Sorry Mods I Forgot Again
Do you have any pictures of those?

i've got some photos, will put some up today or in a few days.

regards youri.

I also have a pink eyed chick which I'm not sure is an Albino. I can put my fingers by it's face and it doesn't move, so not sure if it has limited vision or is blind. It's on its own as the other chicks bully it.

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