The Flock and Lilly


7 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Hi, I have a flock the consists of a barred rock roo (zoro ), 2 barred rock hens ( zebra and Kaia ), 2 ISA brown hens (Buffy and goldie ) , 2 light Brahma hens (angel and mini) , 1 Rhode Island red roo (rhodie ) , 1 Rhode Island red hen (rose) , and 2 silver laced wyandotte roos ( dot and spot) and then there is Lilly the Canada goose. I rescued Lilly from a lake when a predator killed her siblings and destroyed the nest, and then the parents abandoned her. So I took her in at about 2 weeks of age. I added her to my flock when they were 3 months old. They were cautious of her at first then happily accepted her an hour later. She tried to roost with them, ate what they ate, and refused to get in water. She quickly became part of the flock. Now that they ate all older she still stays with her flock of chickens. She honks at geese flying by then just goes back to foraging with the hens. The roosters have even tried to mate with her! She is very sweet. She has never bitten me and never charges me. She eats from my hand from time to time. She won't even fly because she doesn't want to leave her flock of chickens. She is an oddball goose. My neighbors have a pond with ducks, but she would rather stay with the chickens she adores. When they go to roost at night she lays right below them. Sometimes one will lay beside her at night.

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