The Forgotten Realms.

The Drow Ranger

7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
In The Underdark.
Welcome To My Realm Mortal. Here, Creatures Reside That Many Will Not Live To Tell Exist. Why? Because These Creatures Are Dangerous Beyond Your Strait Forward Mind's, Learn To Survive, And You Might Live.


Dragon Demon Drow. Elf. Human. Halfling. Dwarf Orge. Troll. Giant. Bird. (Falcon, Raven, Dove. ETC...)


There Will Be No Fighting On This Thread. Why?First, Would You Like To Be Banned? And Second, Would You Like All The Role-Players On Here To Hate You?

Now No Cursing, We Should All Be Able To Control It. Why Because It Will Get You Banned, It Will Get This Tread Banned And Everyone Will Yet Again Hate You.

And Lastly No Immodest Pictures On This Role-Play, Because I Have Seen Quite A Few On BYC, If You Want A Good Picture, Ask Someone To Draw It Or Spend More Than 60 Seconds Trying To Find One, Why Because Again It Will Get This Thread Banned, You Too, And People Will Once Again Hate You.

For Further Notice, Demons, You Can't Open A Portal From Your Plane, A Wizard Has To Do It.

Character Form.

Here Is A Link For Elf And Hobbit Names.



Name: Maglor Taralom
Race: Drow
Age: 75
Appearance: He Has Light Ebony Skin,He Is Strong Muscled, His Bow He Carved Himself From A Magical Tree That Grows In The Underdark, The Wood Was Enchanted To Never Break, The Bow String Is Made From The Vines Of That Tree, It Is Strong And Can Only Be Severed By A Magical Blade. His Armour Is Ebony And Enchanted To Outlast Many Years. He Wields Dual Ebony Swords. He Wears A Hood And A Piwafwi. He Had His Piwafwi Enchanted When He Was 30 Years Old.

Personality: He Has A Dark Personality, He Rarely Speaks And Does Not Normally Stand Around, He Is Always Gathering Information On The City. When He Comes In Contact With A Drow, He Normally Refrains From Conversation And Unless Questioned Walks Away.
Weapon's: Dual Ebony Swords, A Magical Bow, Quiver Of 50 Arrows, Poisoned Daggers.
Username: The Drow Ranger

Suggestions? Message Me Them.

Characters To Open Thread: 10
Last edited:
Name: Maglor Taralom
Race: Drow
Age: 75
Appearance: He Has Light Ebony Skin,He Is Strong Muscled, His Bow He Carved Himself From A Magical Tree That Grows In The Underdark, The Wood Was Enchanted To Never Break, The Bow String Is Made From The Vines Of That Tree, It Is Strong And Can Only Be Severed By A Magical Blade. His Armour Is Ebony And Enchanted To Outlast Many Years. He Wields Dual Ebony Swords. He Wears A Hood And A Piwafwi. He Had His Piwafwi Enchanted When He Was 30 Years Old.

Personality: He Has A Dark Personality, He Rarely Speaks And Does Not Normally Stand Around, He Is Always Gathering Information On The City. When He Comes In Contact With A Drow, He Normally Refrains From Conversation And Unless Questioned Walks Away.
Weapon's: Dual Ebony Swords, A Magical Bow, Quiver Of 50 Arrows, Poisoned Daggers.
Username: The Drow Ranger

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