The Freeloader Diaries - Freeloading Revisited

I got two yesterday, which suprised me. The weather is still going to be icky today but I did manage to buy some more feed and gave them a generous helping, so we shall see what tonight holds!

Looks like one of your D'uccle girls left you a present.
I have 4 girls, three have been freeloading for a couple of months now. I guess they deserve a break but I need eggs, I can't eat those stor bought kind any more. But with the warmer weather someone came off the the break. I had a pretty green egg from one of my EEs. I guess she's finished her molt and is getting back in business. Yipee!!!!
No no -- you don't give them a nice, warm, heat lamp to keep them comfortable while they lounge at your expense. You give them a bright-eyed wake up call in the form of a cold fluorescent bulb coming on at 4:00 or 5:00 every morning. Rise and shine, freeloaders, it's time to get to work!

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