The Front Porch Swing

Sigh. another predation. This time our Dorking roo, Mongo and one of his girls, maybe. DH is still out there looking for the other one. but we found one of the two girls. There was a ruckus and the dogs scared it off of the other girl but she's hurt. Got a couple of punckure wounds and I think she's a bit shocky. she is just sitting there wherever I put her, panting. I have given her a diced hardboiled egg and some water and put Neosporin on her wounds. should I give her antibiotics of any sort?

I think I will go peruse the medical thread...

edited to add: Found Mongo!!! he lost all the feathers of his back, but honestly looks in better shape than the hen. just a little bit of blood.
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I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but it sure could have been worse! Put your girl in a dark, cool place and leave her alone for a few hours. Messing with her too much may make it worse. Give her some water, but don't worry about food too much just yet. Calm, dark, and quiet is what she needs most.
So sorry pysanki, predator issues are always rough.
I wouldn't do any medications yet but, I have on hand Triodine that I use on any open wound to prevent infection- so far- no infections.
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thanks. I have her in a box on my dining table and she seems okay. I am going to watch the wounds to make sure that they don't gett swollen or too red or hot. otherwise I am leaving her alone.

at least now I am certain that what I am dealing with is land based. going to put some intermediate electric lines between the ones I already have (were spaced to keep goats in, so currently 6-8" apart and now will be 3-4 inches apart.)

I just wish I could kill this predator because I fear that now that he/she knows where the free meals are it will be harder to dissuade. wish I had an actual livestock guardian dog. my guys are too lazy.
Out of 4 Jubilee orps from GFF- 3 are roos and 1 hen. I was really hoping that I had a hen that was "maturing" fast but, this morning all 3 were crowing. Well... at least I know now that I should be expecting one layer soon. They are 5 months old.

Sorry about those odds, but at least you got one hen who will lay soon!
Sigh. another predation. This time our Dorking roo, Mongo and one of his girls, maybe. DH is still out there looking for the other one. but we found one of the two girls. There was a ruckus and the dogs scared it off of the other girl but she's hurt. Got a couple of punckure wounds and I think she's a bit shocky. she is just sitting there wherever I put her, panting. I have given her a diced hardboiled egg and some water and put Neosporin on her wounds. should I give her antibiotics of any sort?

I think I will go peruse the medical thread...

edited to add: Found Mongo!!! he lost all the feathers of his back, but honestly looks in better shape than the hen. just a little bit of blood.

Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that!!! There's a thread somewhere about a chicken that survived a hawk attack. Maybe look it up. It has a warning that the pictures were graphic, but nothing you're not seeing already.
Sorry about all the quotes... this summer has really been just craziness... just back from girl's camp where I was the nurse for all the girls for a few days, then to DH's family reunion in a huge house in the middle of nowhere Utah that had NO airconditioning!! No trees, just kind of a desserty area... Between camp and the reunion, I haven't sweat that much in a LONG time, but boy, was it nice to get back to the A/C at my house!!

Totally agree...let me go in my sleep out of nowhere!!!

On an odd note...I refused to break my "will never buy another store bought egg" record...Its been 5 years and yesterday....I almost HAD to break it! DD graduated Friday and her party is at my house today...The food Ive made requires lts of eggs!!! The cake alone was 10! I ran out needing 9 eggs ...I refused to go to the store and patiently waited for my "girls" to lay throughout the day! I got 10 with 1 duck egg to spare! Game on!!!! Hahaha My DH and kids thought I was crazy!!!
That is awesome!! Good girls!!

I make lists too. Sometimes nothing actually gets accomplished for days at at time even though I am flailing away at it. then all of a sudden it all comes together ant things get accomplished all at once.
Put on your list: "sit down and have a cup of tea." then you can at least have the satisfaction of putting a line through something.

Good luck with the wing. I am not sure I would have the nerve, but when things need to be done we find a way.
I agree=) There's a some really great pics in an article on clipping wings, I think it's in the learning center... if you haven't done it already... You only have to clip one side, then they fly crooked and eventually give up...

Hope you don't get sick Laura. Try not to stress too much.
TNBear-hope you get the floor problems fixed and don't lose any more birds.
We are busy here-gardening, housework, chores, children, doctor appointments, and going to PA in two weeks for a week.
I have a HUGE garden, so I am trying my best to keep it as clean as possible before we go so I don't come back to a weedy mess!

Good luck with the weeding.. I tried to get mine done before I left last week, and spent most of the morning today trying to catch up... I got the big ones out, so that's a relief... LOVE the idea of using Preen!! I use it in my flower beds, but hadn't even though about it in the garden... but since it doesn't last so long, that's a great idea!! I'm not big for chemicals, either, but in the pathways and on the edges, that is a great solution!!

Hubby built my raised bed of concrete block. The planting area is four feet across, and it's twenty feet long. The best part is that it is high enough that I can sit on it. Or I can plant things in the holes of the blocks, like herbs, and still leave seating spaces. I love that bed. Even though he built it for me as a handicap accessible bed, we've found that putting low growers in it reduces bending for him, too.

Thanks for posting the pics! Those are really nice!! Love the idea!!

Hi, everybody! I was enjoying this thread and thought I'd introduce myself. I hope I can contribute some, as well.
The husband and I get in the worst fights over projects. over the years we have sorta learned how to work together but we still fight. he's an engineer but I swear I think things through better. (probably because I work in the architectural/construction field and his engineering is mechanical/materials.) so many times I have had to hold my tongue and let something go.

but he probably does too about other like my driving. and I am not the best cook in the world (read: I suck but I still try to work without a recipe) like this potato salad I just was pretty good until I overdid it on the onions. (and just because it LOOKS like a Vidalia, doesn't mean it TASTES like a Vidalia!. OY. maybe green onions would be safer next time.

You make me laugh!!

I am wading through toy boxes and closets, under beds and into cabinets and junk drawers - for a month or two - setting things aside for a yard sale. So many decisions and memories. So much dust and dog hair (how DOES it get into toy boxes in the closet?) Never mind the Smarties, Ritz crackers, gumballs and stray fries. So many pieces scattered. I have three sons who, for the most part, are now not so interested in water guns and Nerf battles. We could hold our own against alien invaders armed with the Nerf weapons in this house and all manner of pocket knives, toy swords and light sabers- if I can only gather all the Nerf darts and Nerf balls into one ammo dump. And when we run out of darts I think we can probably hold off all comers by scattering our Lego blocks in a circular array around us that would probably cover a good five mile radius - let's just hope the invaders are barefoot in the dark - like I generally was all those times I was struck down by Legos. By the way these shady characters were found lurking in the bottom of the toy box having, apparently, fled Candyland some time ago.
This one made me laugh, too
sounds like my house... I have 3 boys

Sorry it took so long to get pics of the raised bed. And even so, I only took pics of one end. I had forgotten that hubby had ended up topping it with brick to make a better seating area. (It's hard for me to get in the garden). Anyway....

Pulled these out of it while I was out there.
LOVE it!!

Notafarm... LOVE your pics, too!! Beautiful yards you guys!!
I know...I am feeling like I should start sprouting or something. and the can see the air! 'sup with that??!!?? Someone said yesterday that we have had 3 times our normal rainfall for the last 3 months and we are not normally dry in the spring anyway!!! We joke that we have become a rainforest and it isn't far from the truth.

I know how to stop the rain...I will go ahead and put the gutters up for the rain collection system we have been wanting to do...
We had a 4th of July party here yesterday and it went well. The husband is a doll. I started doing the cooking as soon as I got up, intending on sweeping/dusting once things were done but stuff always take longer than I expect and this time was no exception. so when I looked up with flour smearing my face at one point, half the things on my to-do list were already crossed off and he was steadily working on the other half. What a great guy!!!

I had already done al the bathrooms the night before, but he did the whole rest of the main floor!!! and weedwacked down by the river where we were setting off the fireworks in the evening.

next year we are going to TN to get some REAL fireworks!!!

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