The Front Porch Swing

Is the head under the hand thing a GP trait.? Katy will first nudge, then use her paw to get your attention. She is really jealous of her son and will push your hand and arm if you are petting him. They are really love sponges.
I turned 36 today....I know young by some standards but old by mine, if that makes sense.  I mean kids born when I was learning to drive and legally drink!!!!! Thank God for my children that keep me feeling young :D

Oh Yay! Happy Birthday! I will be 38 in June. I feel like the "young" crowd! LOL!

If I was born in the late 50's, can I still admire Mark Wahlburg from afar? You know, like from across the room while watching tv?

> crossing fingers <

Is there an age you must stop? My coworker and I sit on either side of a cubicle wall on the 'window' side of the building (prime desks). She is happily married for 14 you years, yet a couple times a day I hear various reports to check out the 'eye candy' out the window! We work at the Fish and Wildlife office as biologists, and a whole bunch of the consultants and wildlife hunting guides come through for meetings with us and others. A pretty hot bunch... Not to mention the Fish and Wildlife Officers in their in uniforms who share our office! But then, DH is a Federal Fishery Officer... Even nicer uniform (and build - no, definitely not biased LOL)

Ok, since we have been talking about all of these drool worthy actors, now is a great time to tell eveyone our favorite movies.

True Grit
Gone With The Wind
Dances With Wolves
Doctor Zhivago
The Cowboys
The Man From Snowy River
The Sound of Music

Wow, I forgot Viggo Mortenson, in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Not a movie watching type here. Ever heard of Christine Lavin's song, "Harrison Ford"? Should find it on YouTube (can't, I am on my phone in bed). Hint: the chorus goes "Harrison Ford! The only living movie star I've ever adored."

Favourite movie :The Princess Bride, The Matrix trilogy. Lord of the Rings, the Gods must be crazy, Yankee Zulu
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I love animals of all types :oops: , but not all mushy, save- the- whales type stuff. My 16 yr old daughter though, absolutely hates animals of any kind. They either shed, or make noise, or stink, or something lol. However, my 10 yr old son is just like me, but maybe more so. He wants to be a vet or work at the zoo when he gets older. He has his own chickens and parakeets now. Nothing suits that boy more than an arm load of animals. He may grow up to be an animal hoarder, only he would take good care of his :D
have you introduced him to the books by Gerald Durrell ? He is a famous zoology who founded a zoo on the Jersey Isles, does animal collecting trips for zoos, and has quite the writing talent. He died several years back, but I read them when I was 10. A little advanced by today's standards, but maybe you could read them together? I would start with 'my family and other animals' which is a recount of his life on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean, when he was 10. Any little boy's dream, especially one who loves animals.
Quote: 218 posts to catch up on!

I don't have a livingroom
This place...we have a master bedroom, a kitchen and a teency bathroom. The rest is pretty much un-liveable.
Favourite movie :The Princess Bride, The Matrix trilogy. Lord of the Rings, the Gods must be crazy, Yankee Zulu
You are a 'Princess Bride' fan???? My husband and kids can practically quote the whole movie!!

I love animals of all types
, but not all mushy, save- the- whales type stuff. My 16 yr old daughter though, absolutely hates animals of any kind. They either shed, or make noise, or stink, or something lol. However, my 10 yr old son is just like me, but maybe more so. He wants to be a vet or work at the zoo when he gets older. He has his own chickens and parakeets now. Nothing suits that boy more than an arm load of animals. He may grow up to be an animal hoarder, only he would take good care of his
Have him read James Herriot's books. He is a veterinarian over in England. He is a fantastic writer!

Lisa :)
Sorry folks, hope this isn't too far off your current topic - I only have 23 pages of posts to read to catch up since yesterday ...
I'm in the same boat - I don't come on for two days and wham - 50 pages. I just can't keep up!!!

Love all those movies above!! Uhm, except Dances With Wolves...the movie was great, but Kevin Coster makes me cringe so much that I can't watch any movies with him in it anymore. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves - loved the movie - had to cover my ears anytime he or that other pretty boy spoke. At least he didn't even try the British accent, I would never have been able to watch it at all.

Under the Tuscan Sun had some pretty eye candy - one of my favorite movies. I love the way those medieval towns are laid out - so cozy - I'd like to live in a place where everyone knew everyone and everyone was friendly instead of hopeless, or hopelessly rude, and you didn't have to drive an hour to visit with friends/family - you could just walk out the door. Did I make that entirely one sentence?
I'm in the same boat - I don't come on for two days and wham - 50 pages. I just can't keep up!!!

Love all those movies above!! Uhm, except Dances With Wolves...the movie was great, but Kevin Coster makes me cringe so much that I can't watch any movies with him in it anymore. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves - loved the movie - had to cover my ears anytime he or that other pretty boy spoke. At least he didn't even try the British accent, I would never have been able to watch it at all.

Under the Tuscan Sun had some pretty eye candy - one of my favorite movies. I love the way those medieval towns are laid out - so cozy - I'd like to live in a place where everyone knew everyone and everyone was friendly instead of hopeless, or hopelessly rude, and you didn't have to drive an hour to visit with friends/family - you could just walk out the door. Did I make that entirely one sentence?
Ummmm, you did make it into one sentence. Time for more coffee!!

Lisa :)

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