The Front Porch Swing

ooh please share some of those old joy of cooking recipies =)
Use young leaves sparingly, raw in salads or cook them as for spinach, cutting the leaves before the plant blooms. There's another one for a tisane. 1 tbsp fresh material , 1/2 tsp dried matterial, don't use a metal pot, steep 3 to 10 minutes in water brought to a rolling boil. Serve with honey or lemon, any herbs will do the trick in the last recipe. Again, they say not to use it anymore because of the affect on the liver or kidneys. Makes a good compress for bruises and broken bones.

Hi ChickenBoy!
Use young leaves sparingly, raw in salads or cook them as for spinach, cutting the leaves before the plant blooms. There's another one for a tisane. 1 tbsp fresh material , 1/2 tsp dried matterial, don't use a metal pot, steep 3 to 10 minutes in water brought to a rolling boil. Serve with honey or lemon, any herbs will do the trick in the last recipe. Again, they say not to use it anymore because of the affect on the liver or kidneys. Makes a good compress for bruises and broken bones.

Hi ChickenBoy!
Hello Searsmom!
Wow! Those wires and the pole really were distracting, now that they are gone you can really tell.......

That was so nice Deb!
Thank you.... I want to try to do this for a living if I can.... in addition to drawing and drafting and logo design... Not a graphic artist but I know composition.

I always ask permission beforehand.... always

Thank you.... I want to try to do this for a living if I can.... in addition to drawing and drafting and logo design... Not a graphic artist but I know composition.

I always ask permission beforehand.... always


You did a great job!
Blooie those are fabulous Photos your lighting is awesome.... All very hard to get with those Zooming sewing needles with wings.... LOL. They come and have turf wars at my place over the bird of paradise mesquite.

Do you use a tripod? What kind of camera? I used to have a good Cannon TX All manual SLR Metal body it weighed like a brick. I used it While horse back riding made my own riding harness for it too. Way before Digitals came out I had to sell it to pay a vet bill. Never got back into it.

Blooie those are fabulous Photos your lighting is awesome.... All very hard to get with those Zooming sewing needles with wings.... LOL. They come and have turf wars at my place over the bird of paradise mesquite.

Do you use a tripod? What kind of camera? I used to have a good Cannon TX All manual SLR Metal body it weighed like a brick. I used it While horse back riding made my own riding harness for it too. Way before Digitals came out I had to sell it to pay a vet bill. Never got back into it.

The first thing I had to learn was how to sit still. The 6th photo down, the one of the adult male Rufous at the little feeder with the little round bee-guard,, was taken with a Fuji 10 megapixal point and shoot, through a window screen, believe it or not, as he visited the feeder on my bedroom window. All of the others I took with my Canon Rebel T2i DSLR. I love it, and can't wait to try the telephoto lens. I have so many hummers here that I usually have 11 feeders going all summer. I have Black Chinned, Rufous, Calliope, and Broadtailed hummingbirds. I have feeders suction cupped to most of our windows, so they are used to us walking back and forth inside, and I live on my deck in the summer. (Yes, THAT deck!) Lots of times I just set the camera up on a small table or TV tray by the window and snap 'em as they come in. I almost always shoot in the early morning and in the evening for the softest light, and I slow the shutter speed down until I happy with the results. I also use the flash for each and every shot. I'm glad that you liked them. I probably delete more than I keep.

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