The Front Porch Swing


Woot!  Glad to have you here at the Front Porch!  Pull up a chair and share a story with us.  I love it when chicks are in that cute stage, but I'll be honest: that time when they lose their fluff and start getting feathers is my favorite time to watch them hop around and try to create their own little pecking order.  It's so adorable and that's when you see which chicks will probably be your favorites.  :love

I have more than one fave, of course!
I've been having up and down with not having a Job since Feb and first time in my life going for an interview last month and not getting the Job despite interview going so well.(I do believe God has a purpose for everything) I have become content with the way things are I probably would not have accomplished so much that I have around the house if I had a Job. Today started well with joy in my heart, then this afternoon for no reason I started feeling low....then a surprise call from unknown number, this Lady from a church I visited once my friend had invited was just calling to check on me and wanted to know how she can pray for me....(God must have sent her so I could know he was still watching over me)

Since that time I've done more stuff around the house listening to praise songs....Count your blessings name them one by one - I am blessed thank you Lord having a job or not.
The one song that has lifted me up is He knows my name .... I can't even start to explain the Joy that I am now feeling and I had to share...

My fellow front porch swingers
may you have Joy in your life now and forever.

ps. I have another interview this thursday
I have been looking for a way for me to easily move myself, my boyfriend, my animals, and my other stuff from SC to WV. Ha, ha I have moved too many times to know there is no easy way to do this.......

But, my son has bought me a 10 year old FEMA trailer that I can park on my Mom's property until I can buy a piece of property to call home!

I am soooooooo excited! Now all I have to do is get the proper health papers for cat, dogs, horse and chickens. Transfer to a store in that area (wal~mart) and hit the road!

But first comes the yard sale so I can relieve my self of a bunch of 'stuff' the I do NOT need/want to pack up and drag along.

My son says he is going to send me pics. Did I say I am excited???????
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Spent a little time reading (rather than skimming) the posts I missed or barely caught while I was gone. The discussions about last wishes and such reminded me of a Linda story.

Linda is just a bitty little thing. Like Ma, her body decided that it was quite comfortable at a lower elevation so she never grew past 4’11”. Her eyes are soft green. When she laughs, they disappear for a moment into a multitude of laugh lines. She laughs a lot and it’s contagious. You don’t even have to know what’s funny to join in. She is very rarely grouchy or sarcastic, unlike her oldest sister. Her sense of humor is very British – droll and dry. She can deliver a punch line you never see coming!

Russ, her husband of 40 years, is a southern boy. He and Ken were serving on the same ship and they were deployed for almost a year. During that time I took my little ones back to South Dakota and lived at home with Ma, Dad, Linda, Lori, Ronnie and Bev. I knew Russ well. Before the ship left for the shores of Viet Nam he used to come over for dinner or just to watch football with Ken. So I decided that it might be a good idea for Linda and Russ to “get acquainted”. Thus began a pen pal adventure with a happy ending. Linda went back to California with me when the ship returned, they met in person, and a true love story was born. Russ got out of the Navy and few short months later they were married in a huge church wedding in Russ’s home town in Georgia. Not one of her family members was able to attend the wedding.

After a few months, Russ noticed Linda wasn't smiling and laughing as much anymore. Smart boy figured out that she missed her family. He simply told her that he’d learned from his time in the Navy that he could live anywhere and if she wanted to “go home” then South Dakota would become his home too. So they moved back to Sioux Falls and my family finally met Russ. They welcomed him with open arms. But Russ was having trouble keeping a job. He’d find one, work a while, hear about a “better” one, quit and then go apply at the new place. He spent almost 2 years job hopping. It drove Linda crazy.

Ken and I were home on leave once, and we were all sitting outside after a big family barbecue. I don’t remember why, but for some reason the subject of last wishes came up. After a long series of bad “when I’m dead” jokes, Russ announced, “Well, after my time in the Navy I've decided that I just want to be cremated and have my ashes spread at sea.”

Linda didn't even look up. In a dry, yeah-whatever voice she retorted, “If you don’t get a job and keep it pretty darn soon I’m just gonna throw your a** on the barbecue grill and dump whatever's left of you in Covell Lake.” Russ got a job at the newspaper in the maintenance department and has been there ever since. And I'm also happy to report that the barbecue grill is no longer hanging over his head.
I have been looking for a way for me to easily move myself, my boyfriend, my animals, and my other stuff from SC to WV. Ha, ha I have moved too many times to know there is no easy way to do this.......

But, my son has bought me a 10 year old FEMA trailer that I can park on my Mom's property until I can buy a piece of property to call home!

I am soooooooo excited! Now all I have to do is get the proper health papers for cat, dogs, horse and chickens. Transfer to a store in that area (wal~mart) and hit the road!

But first comes the yard sale so I can relieve my self of a bunch of 'stuff' the I do NOT need/want to pack up and drag along.

My son says he is going to send me pics. Did I say I am excited???????

All my sympathies. Moving is a wrench. Because of my husband having five year contract jobs we've moved every five years for the past twenty years. Everywhere I go I optimistically plant an orchard, but I have yet to ever eat one single apple off a tree I've planted. But I guess someone is eating them.

Great idea to offload the unnecessary in preparation. Why pay someone to move the junk you'll never unpack at the other end?
Spent a little time reading (rather than skimming) the posts I missed or barely caught while I was gone. The discussions about last wishes and such reminded me of a Linda story.

Linda is just a bitty little thing. Like Ma, her body decided that it was quite comfortable at a lower elevation so she never grew past 4’11”. Her eyes are soft green. When she laughs, they disappear for a moment into a multitude of laugh lines. She laughs a lot and it’s contagious. You don’t even have to know what’s funny to join in. She is very rarely grouchy or sarcastic, unlike her oldest sister. Her sense of humor is very British – droll and dry. She can deliver a punch line you never see coming!

Russ, her husband of 40 years, is a southern boy. He and Ken were serving on the same ship and they were deployed for almost a year. During that time I took my little ones back to South Dakota and lived at home with Ma, Dad, Linda, Lori, Ronnie and Bev. I knew Russ well. Before the ship left for the shores of Viet Nam he used to come over for dinner or just to watch football with Ken. So I decided that it might be a good idea for Linda and Russ to “get acquainted”. Thus began a pen pal adventure with a happy ending. Linda went back to California with me when the ship returned, they met in person, and a true love story was born. Russ got out of the Navy and few short months later they were married in a huge church wedding in Russ’s home town in Georgia. Not one of her family members was able to attend the wedding.

After a few months, Russ noticed Linda wasn't smiling and laughing as much anymore. Smart boy figured out that she missed her family. He simply told her that he’d learned from his time in the Navy that he could live anywhere and if she wanted to “go home” then South Dakota would become his home too. So they moved back to Sioux Falls and my family finally met Russ. They welcomed him with open arms. But Russ was having trouble keeping a job. He’d find one, work a while, hear about a “better” one, quit and then go apply at the new place. He spent almost 2 years job hopping. It drove Linda crazy.

Ken and I were home on leave once, and we were all sitting outside after a big family barbecue. I don’t remember why, but for some reason the subject of last wishes came up. After a long series of bad “when I’m dead” jokes, Russ announced, “Well, after my time in the Navy I've decided that I just want to be cremated and have my ashes spread at sea.”

Linda didn't even look up. In a dry, yeah-whatever voice she retorted, “If you don’t get a job and keep it pretty darn soon I’m just gonna throw your a** on the barbecue grill and dump whatever's left of you in Covell Lake.” Russ got a job at the newspaper in the maintenance department and has been there ever since. And I'm also happy to report that the barbecue grill is no longer hanging over his head.
didn't see that coming... it worked.
Exactly! My second bedroom is full of unpacked boxes from my last move. I got lucky and found a great house with pasture and barn for yhe vhickens and horses. I couldn't get time off of my boy friend pscked everything while I worked. We would load the stuff and drive then unload the stuff go home to sleep. Get up the next day and do it again. ...... So I got stuck moving EVERYTHING.

NOT this time! I have vacation and personal time - 2 months of time.

I am doing it right this time :)

Did I mention I am excited ??!!

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